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Death Penality
Download This PaperWords: 439 - Pages: 2

... punishable with the death penalty. Although this does not occur very often, it should never take place. In a society of freedom, our freedoms should not be taken advantage of and misused. Each individual living creature is created by a higher power. The United States of America was founded upon a society with morals and values and most importantly, God. Plants and animals are made for us by God to eat and enjoy, natural death is made by God to regulate population and the death penalty is made by man to punish those who kill. The right to kill those who kill is not granted to any individual, therefore, the death penalty is not a right any person can take advantage ...

Download This PaperWords: 1403 - Pages: 6

... such as trade, moneylending, and insurance were well known practices to them. Unfortunatly, growth of the Roman Empire prevented further development of a private class. As power over economic growth came back to the people or lords during the Middle Ages, modern capitalism started to evolve. (The Software Toolworks Illistrated Encyclopedia) In the late Middle Ages, the medieval economy was based on MANORALISM. This system said that peasants worked on the land that the lord's owned, but everthing that was produced by them was kept in return they had to perform services or pay dues to there lord. During this time period, there was no incentive to produce large and p ...

US Border Patrol: Pros & Cons
Download This PaperWords: 663 - Pages: 3

... of 1995, the Border Patrol had 530 agents. The Border Patrol's efforts may be sufficient but many people believe that there are many problems in the methods of the Border Patrol. First, many people think that all of the equipment is costing the taxpayers too much. An estimation by TIME magazine states that in California alone, $400 million is spent on healthcare for illegal immigrants. CNN says that the care of illegal immigrants in one hospital in Jacksonville, Florida costs taxpayers $44.5 million. A Federal Government estimate says that $1.6 billion dollars is spent on the education of illegal immigrants each year in California alone. Just think of ho ...

Monopoly And Microsoft
Download This PaperWords: 1923 - Pages: 7

... and resources. Thirdly, a monopoly is able to economically manipulate the market with respect to its products, to the intent of prohibiting competition. This will be the yardstick by which the company Microsoft will be measured. Since the 1980’s, Microsoft has held a virtual stronghold on the operating system market. Beginning with MS-DOS (disk operating system), and culminating with Windows 95/98, Microsoft has become an integral part of society. Its software not only includes the Windows operating systems, but spreadsheets, word-processing programs, databases, and reference works. Microsoft programs run on a great percentage of all the computers in the w ...

Condom Dispenser In Highschool
Download This PaperWords: 582 - Pages: 3

... many students are not sexually active, is because of the lack of protection or the embarrassment of buying protection at a local drug store. And while this would mean sex without protection to many young adults, there are a lot who would refrain from experimenting with sex because of not having protection. By putting a condom dispenser in high school bathrooms, this gives that percentage of teens nice, easy, and anonymous access to condoms. Thus possibly resulting in an increase of sexually active students. Why not leave condoms at the local drug stores, and make it as hard as possible to comfortably buy protection. The embarrassment alone, might keep a few ...

Bring Back Flogging
Download This PaperWords: 1306 - Pages: 5

... hot iron, and finally in 1694 Hannah Newell and her consort were lashed for adultery. He concludes that the corporal punishment system did not vanish with the puritans, Deleware did not get around to repealing it till 1972. Jacoby’s sarcasm can be noted by the way he illustrates the punishment of various acts. He notes in a list that killers, drug dealers, and other acts ultimately end up in prison. Prison he says seems to be the all purpose, all in one punishment. His statistical evidence is that of the startling 1.6 million Americans behind bars today. This represents a 250% increase since 1980. According to him we cage individuals at an alarming rate despite t ...

American People
Download This PaperWords: 701 - Pages: 3

... It made in my mind a dream land called America. I got my information from TV movies, newspapers, and from my friends. The first thing I heard about was from my friend who had lived here for years. He told me that the United States is unbelievable life. The time here goes so fast and you will enjoy your life without feeling homesick and he give me a great impression of and how they are helpful and always friendly. Also he tells me about the safety in his state and how you can have fun any time you want out side you house. In addition there was something I heard about that makes me very happy to come here is that there is no discrimination between people, ...

What Is Color?
Download This PaperWords: 941 - Pages: 4

... the primary colors of visible light, but if these cones are only sensitive to the wavelengths in the electro-magnetic spectrum of red, green and blue then how are colors like aqua and purple seen? Different light sources give out different parts of the visible spectrum. When the light sources are combined they appear as different colors. Adding primary light sources in the right proportions, can produce the sensation of other colors in our eyes, such as aqua and purple. (Challoner,40) Why do we see the grass as green in color? Why do we not see the grass as blue or any other color? Actually, when the visible light hits a pigment only some colors are refle ...

Socialized Sexism
Download This PaperWords: 1176 - Pages: 5

... indirectly socialize society to have deep-seated stereotypes and prejudices. The effects of these prejudices are often seen much later in life, where an employer or co-worker makes a harmful decision based on the gender of the applicant. It can also make a worker uncomfortable when confronted with a workplace dominated by the opposite gender. The family is the first place that a child is subjected to sexism and the indirect domination of one gender over another. The first hint at a sexist difference is the bearer of the children. Children see their mom as a place where they can take comfort, be safe, be relaxed and soothed, and be protected. The father is se ...

Stress And Stress Management
Download This PaperWords: 319 - Pages: 2

... with an impending threat. The second stage is the resistance response. The body increases its capacity to deal with stress. If the stress continues for a prolonged amount of time, the increased physiological adjustments that have been maintained so far have detrimental effects on the body. The third stage is the exhaustion response. At this point the body can no longer deal effectively with stress. Some detrimental symptoms that are apparent are high blood pressure, extra heart beats, and emotional problems. Some behavorial reactions to stress are difficulty relaxing, sleeping, controlling emotions, and generalized anxiety. There is frequent drug, alcohol ...

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