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Why I Want To Be A Teacher
Download This PaperWords: 647 - Pages: 3

... own I soon realized what she had been telling me all of those years ago, because I had one of those bad kids. My son was not bad; he just needed a little extra help staying on task. I started going to my sons school just to help out a few hours a week, then I realized there where a lot of kids in his class that needed help staying on task. Soon I started going to the school on my lunch hour and any day that I had off work. I would sit and listens to them read or watch them struggle with a math problem but when they would finally get the word or figure out the math problem it was if a light went on. There eyes would light up some would even jump up and down in ...

Hindu Scriptures
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... refers to what was written down and remembered. Shruti is considered more authoritative since it was obtained straight from God. The Vedas are shruti. The rest of Hindu scripture is known as smriti, except for the Vedanta- sutras which are classified as nyaya. Smriti Scriptures consist of three types: Itihaasa-s - These are epics which were written to make known the human attributes of the Divine. It is comprised of two epics: Ramayana and Mahabharata, which are the stories of two incarnations of Lord Vishnu, Rama and Krishna, respectively. PuraaNa-s - Each story emphasizes morals and is usually a story about a hindu deity fighting for upholding these mor ...

Memory, Expanding Your Mind
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... Once people go over a certain age, they begin to lose their memory and will be thought of as old and forgetful. People who forget things often complain about a bad memory, but in most of these cases these people never took the time to learn whatever they thought they could remember. Most scientists believe there is no such thing as a good or bad memory, only good and bad learners. Depending on the amount of attention a person gives to something depends on how well a person will remember that fact or event. Beginning at the age of 50, people of similar ages begin to differentiate more and more from one another in their mental performance. Some memories drop n ...

Global Warming
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... humans enhance the process even more. Over the past 200 years the emissions of greenhouse gases have been increasing due to the increase in technology that humans have developed (example, factories). These human-induced gases include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone depleting substances such as CFCs, also known as Chlorofluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, and perfluorocarbons. These gases are generated a number of human activities such as fossil fuel combustion, waste disposal in landfills, the use of a refrigerator, numerous agricultural and industrial activities, and the cutting down of numerous forests. These human practices have already changed ...

How To Swim The Breaststroke
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... in opposite directions. The leg motions are performed in the same fashion. Lifting the hips as the hands are extended in front, then lifting the upper body as the hands finish and start to recover creates a rocking action. This rocking action is an automatic movement if the stroke is performed correctly. In the glide, the body is flat, prone, and streamlined, with the legs together and extended straight out. Keeping the palms down, extend the arms in front of the head. Angle the hands slightly downward and turn the palms outward at a 45-degree angle to the surface of the water. With the arms straight, press the palms directly out until the hands are spre ...

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... tangent. The other three are cotangent, secant, and consecant. Here is an example of how trigonometric functions of a general angle work. The angle, as shown in the diagram, is measured by usually showing the Greek letter theta, 0. The sine is the ratio of o, which is the length of the side opposite 0, to h, which is the length of the hypotenuse. The cosine is the ratio of a, the length of the side adjacent to 0, to h, the length of the hypotenuse. The tangent is the ratio of o, the length of the side opposite 0, to a, the length of the side adjacent to 0. sin 0 = o/h cos 0 = a/h tan 0 = o/a is considered to be an important component within every mathemati ...

Sex On Television
Download This PaperWords: 1984 - Pages: 8

... content. In prime time, over two- thirds (sixty-seven) percent of all shows deal with sex. Sitcoms, surprisingly, deal with sex, only (fifty-six) percent of the time. The study also found that most of the sexual content is talk. About one- fourth of the shows (twenty- three) percent actually depict sexual behavior- usually passionate kissing- and three percent show the characters having intercourse. Eight percent of the shows include sexual content involving teenagers. did not just happen over night. It has evolved from what we now consider extreme minimal sexual contact. For example, in the fifties, “I Love Lucy”- a show based on a middle class famil ...

Jump School
Download This PaperWords: 664 - Pages: 3

... had saw dust coming out of my ears by the time it was over. This doesn't sound like it's to hard but try doing it over and over again, my falls had to be perfect. Once the weekend came around again, I was ready for the rest The second week, or "Tower Week”, was more of a mental challenge. I thought the running part was over ,but unfortunately the runs got longer. The first tower was the Five Foot Tower. From this tower I jumped to the ground and rolled away .The next tower was Fifty Foot Tower, a challenge just to look over the edge. I was hooked to a parachute harness, that attached to a cable. The cable ran down a slope to a hill about one hundre ...

The Idatarod
Download This PaperWords: 868 - Pages: 4

... a dogsled race that takes place in Alaska every year. It goes from Anchorage (Alaska's largest city) to Nome, stretching over 1,000 miles of icy, snow-covered ground. The Iditarod was begun in the 1960's when people tried to restore tradition to Alaska. It was first run to commemorate a trip that took place in 1925 to deliver medicine to Nome. The race has two routes, the Northern and the Southern. In even-numbered years, the Northern route is used and in odd-numbered years, the Southern route is used. The Iditarod is the hardest and toughest dogsled race there is. Sometimes the mushers get so tired, they hallucinate. What ma ...

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... and the result is that they get the work done in a six-hour day. "Their working hours are ample to provide not only enough but more than enough of the necessities and even the conveniences of life." Whether it be food, supplies, road conditions, or any other improvement of lifestyle, the amount and setup of work in the society can provide for all these. Because everyone contributes, the amount of work required, per person, is small. "In several of the necessary crafts, their way of life requires less total labor than does that of people elsewhere." When there is less work for each member of the community to perform, the opportunity to shrink the average work ...

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