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Description For The Existance
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... way of making decisions. If I ask you to prove to me that you have $2.00, you would show it to me. Even in more abstract things we use common sense and practical reasoning. If I ask you whether a certain person is honest or not, you do not flood the air with dissertations on the relative nature of honesty; you would give me evidence one way or the other. The techniques of much of the philosophical arguments that go on would eliminate most of engineering and technology if they were applied in those fields. The purpose of this brief study is to offer a logical, practical, pragmatic proof of the existence of God from a purely scientific perspective. To do this, ...

Credit Cards
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... 1990's, banks have upped the credit limit on customer's cards by more than a third, and sent out another three billion offers in 1997 alone (Dollars and Sense). The new targets for these credit card companies are the low-income household families. While only 20% of poor families had a credit card in 1983, 40% did in 1995. Their balances were higher than ever, exceeding $1,300 on average in 1995, up $700 from 1983. The reason these credit card companies are focusing on the low-income people is that once they are in debt, they can only afford to make the minimum payment and therefor can never pay off the balance of the credit card. For example, it would take 34 years ...

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... existentialism is the conception of moral individualism. Existentialism rejects traditional ethical endeavors. Philosophers since the time of Aristotle, circa Third-Century B.C.E. (before the common era), have held that everyone should aim for a common peak of ethical achievement. Aristotle argued for the existence of a divine being, described as the "Prime Mover," who is responsible for the unity and purposefulness of nature. In order for humanity to attain such a climax, everyone must imitate The Almighty's perfect profile. Aristotle's basic philosophy deduces that humanity strives for an identical peak of moral excellence, as judged by a higher being (A ...

Cuando Cae La Noche
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... no una restitución de el equilibrio; por eso al leer Carver, el lector debe considerar que no se va a encontrar con la narrativa normal, a la que tal vez, esté acostumbrado. En el cuento que da titulo al libro " De que hablamos...", se nos presenta a dos parejas que discuten sobre lo que es el amor para cada uno de ellos.Los personajes principales son: Mel McGinnis, su segunda esposa Teresa ( a la que llamaban Terri ), Nick ( el narrador de la historia ) y su esposa Laura; Mel es cardiólogo y Laura es secretaria juridica.El espacio físico donde se va a desarrollar la acción, es la cocina de la casa de Mel; este es un marco fijo que no posee transformaciones a lo la ...

Sport Psychology
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... are often different, and its professional training is different." (Garfield, 1984:34) Yet despite this, sport psychology remains permanently bonded to psychology through its common interest in the fundamental principles of psychology, human behavior, and experience. No one can deny the significant role which sport and recreation plays in every cul-ture and society across the globe. In the western and eastern worlds alike, sport and lei-sure continue to support huge industries and take up massive amounts of individual time, effort, money, energy, and emotion. Within the media, competitive sport has gotten enor-mous attention and despite this, the public's app ...

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... without conscious attention, recognizing patterns in the stream of sensations that impinge upon you. If one of these is important it is suddenly brought to your conscious attention. Perhaps you are playing a computer game and you suddenly recognize the voice of the company president coming down the hall. Even though you are strongly focused on the game, the recognition of that voice destroys your concentration as it is brought to conscious attention. This same pattern of recognition process is happening in another way. "Your experiences as an unfolding sequence in time are continually being compared to previous sequences to see if there is some important relationshi ...

Trade Commission
Download This PaperWords: 541 - Pages: 2

... or not they need to be retooled for an industry that has gone through considerable technological and economic changes. Therefore, it would seem reasonable to conduct a survey that would target key areas, such as any overlapping of the guidelines with federal, state, and local laws, the integrity of industry self-regulation in a new era of economic and technological advances, and whether or not the guidelines have imposed undue cost to both the industry and the public. Few would argue with the points of the original guidelines, whether it is monitoring misleading claims in advertising, or monitoring the quality of the products themselves. Despite economic and t ...

Do We Have Souls?
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... physical body is existing]. This writer believe that a discussion , no matter how seemingly rational or even irrational is purely speculation and can have no real physical proof of that existence. Of the read philosophers on this topic, all are speculatory in their attempt to prove, disprove, or even clarify their position of the topic in question. This writer will first contribute his own speculation and proceed to explore the selected philosophers material on this subject. Though it first must be said that most of the read material is or seems to be question-begging and therefore leads only to more questions from myself. The question of having souls and ...

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... a joint or a nail) or in a pipe or a bong. Recently, it has appeared in cigars called blunts. THC in is strongly absorbed by fatty tissues in various organs. Generally, traces (metabolites) of THC can be detected by standard urine testing methods several days after a smoking session. However, in heavy chronic users, traces can sometimes be detected for weeks after they have stopped using . There are many reasons why some children and young teens start smoking . Most young people smoke because their friends or brothers and sisters use and pressure them to try it. Some young people use it because they see older people in the family using it. Others may think i ...

Female Genital Mutilation
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... had saved. What is female circumcision? The term covers three main varieties of genital mutilation (2). There is the "sunna circumcision"; this consists of removal of the prepuce and/or the tip of the clitoris. Ironically, sunna in Arabic means "tradition". This is done because it is believed that the clitoris is a very dangerous part of the female anatomy. In our culture, Freud stated in his book, Sexuality and the Psychology of Love, that the "elimination of clitoral sexuality is a necessary precondition for the development of femininity. In 1979, the "Love Surgery" was performed on women in the United Sates. Dr. James Burt, the "Love Surgeon", intro ...

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