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Essays on Miscellaneous

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... is a term that goes as far back as the fourth and fifth centuries, B.C. To know what a justified true belief is it must be understood that p is to believe that p. If it is not understood and has no incline to accept p as true, than it is not known. To make a belief a justified true belief, it must be purely public and objective. Having those two qualities make it "truth". The truth also must be eternal. If it is true for me than it must be true for you. Last, S must believe that p. P is true. S is completely justified in believing that p. If all of these qualities are posed than the belief is no a justified true belief. The information above is the st ...

Indian Culture Vs Western Cult
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... to one God. Growing up in the Hindu faith, I always wondered why my mother used to pray to many Gods. As I became older, I built up the courage to ask a Pandit (Indian Priest) why we believed in many Gods whereas all the others believed only in one. He had informed me that we only believe in one God, Lord Shiva. It may appear that we are praying to many Gods, but in fact we are praying to the many forms that he appeared to us on earth. The Hindu and the Christian religious beliefs are predominantly very similar in that they teach individuals to be good and giving people. The main difference between the two religions is our belief in the after-life. Christi ...

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... place. Most simple develop during childhood and eventually disappear. Specific phobia is a marked fear of a specific object or situation. It is a category for any other than agoraphobia and social phobia. The categories of specific are 1. situational such as: fear of elevators, airplanes, enclosed places, public transportation, tunnels, or bridges; 2. fear of the natural environment such as: storms, water, or heights; 3. animal such as: fear of dogs, snakes, insects, or mice; 4. blood-injection-injury phobia such as: fear of seeing blood or an injury, or of receiving an injection. (Wood 520). Social are fears of being in situations where your activit ...

The History And Progress Of Wrestling
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... and the American schools o f Oriental Research. While making excavations in Mesopotamia, they found the ruins of a temple at Kyafaje, near Baghdad, two slabs. One was of stone, on which in bold relief, were the figures of two pugilists squaring off. The other was a cast bronze figure showing two wrestlers each with a hold on the others hips. These slabs, created by the Suzerains an ancient tribe that long since has disappeared, are dated as at least 5000 years of age. (Menke) The Greeks, who regarded a discus thrower as the best type of athlete, placed the wrestler second. Sometimes it is difficult to separate their mythology from historical fact. ...

Sex Education
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... should be a part of the curriculum for children in the junior high Many children in junior high know there are sexually transmitted diseases, but many do not realize just how threatening these diseases are. Living in a small community, many youth believe that getting a sexually transmitted disease will never happen to them. But our children need to know that there are diseases in our country like Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, Hepatitis, and even AIDS. Since 1986, Syphilis cases have increased by 100 percent (Haas and Haas 441). These kinds of facts need to be brought to students' attention. However, just because we inform our ch ...

Description Of A Bedroom
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... basket. This is jammed tight between the garbage can and the desk, which sits near the corner. The tops of the desk are white, but the supports are black. School books cover the bottom shelf, while the next two have miscellaneous items on them. On the top shelf, an encased basketball sits. It's an Olympic ball dipped in gold. Next to the ball, hanging on the gray, black, and white marble-like painted walls, is a tournament bracket for last year's College Basketball Championship. Under the bracket is the light switch, and next to it is a black light. The next wall is bare, but in the corner, where the third wall meets it, there are six shelves. Those shelves ...

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... years. started in the 17th century by a nation of people known as the Yoruba. They were brought over as slaves to Cuba to work the plantations and harvest the islands sugar crop. The Yoruba's were forced to disguise their religion. To do so they worshiped their Orishas (or spirits. The Yoruba believe that for every action there is a Orisha), beneath the images of Catholic Saints. When the Yoruba people were brought over from Nigeria they were baptized as Roman Catholics. Although they were forced to accept Catholic beliefs they worshiped their Orishas according to Roman Catholic Rites. This way of worship soon became the accepted way to practice their "forbidd ...

Myths Of Meaning
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... to note that while Diogenes never found his one honest man, Hamlet does have Horation who represents one honest man in the rather rotten and dark Denmark of Shakespeare's play. Others have suggested that perhaps what the myth suggests is that we all must find an inner light in order to walk through the darkness of the world. In this interpretation, the search for the light of truth is an inward one rather than an outward one as the more traditional interpretation of the myth suggests. In this sense of the myth, Hamlet's outward dishonesty would not be a betrayal of his inner truth, and he would become a figure of light seeking to maintain that light in a dark an ...

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... people throughout history. Anthropologists, who have found evidence of games of chance among early peoples, contend that the attitude of early humankind toward gambling derived from their general attitude toward the environment. To these people the world was a mysterious place controlled by supernatural beings whose favor or disfavor was manifested through chance situations and the outcome of such events as hunts, wars, and games of chance; instruments of divination frequently included objects used in gambling. As people gradually acquired knowledge of the nature of their environment and interpreted it in terms of cause and effect, their attitude toward g ...

Activity Based Costing
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... element of product cost structure. This might not be so bad if conventional product costing systems could handle the shift in cost structure. Unfortunately, they don’t. Most conventional systems allocate overhead based on some burdened rate (direct labor hours is a good example). This was acceptable when overhead was small and direct costs were high. But in today’s automated factory, this can lead to disaster. Conventional systems report inaccurate product costs--often grossly inaccurate. Management, in turn, makes strategic decisions based on these inaccurate product costs. Traditional cost systems assume all overhead activities are consumed equally by all p ...

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