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Essays on Miscellaneous

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... popular drug among teens in the US (Encarta, 1). Teens, ages 12-17, that use weekly are nine times more likely than non-users to experience with illegal drugs and alcohol (Fed. Study, 1). More 13 & 14 year olds are using drugs, fifteen percent of them use (Teen Addiction, 63). From 1991-1997 the number of eight grader teens using went from 11% to 28%(Teen Detox, 1). About fifty-seven percent of the young people in the US have used drugs before they graduate from high school (War on Drugs, 116). One Million teenagers start smoking and doing drugs each year, 3,000 a day, despite the fact they aren’t old enough to purchase these things (Teen Addiction, 18). A surve ...

Internet Relationships
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... Although to many internet romances seem very unlikley more and more people are meeting their loved ones through this meduim. How can someone start an online relationship and have it feel so deep and intimate so fast? Online affairs shift the emphasis in a relationship from outward appearances and superficail conversations to inner thoughts and feelings each person has. When the only thing you can do is communicate, things can get deep quickly. Many times people cannot share the superfical things because they don't share those things. You cannot complain about your friend and have them know that person. One cannot speak of your boss and his stupidity. You can sp ...

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... ,(a great tourist attraction)is also home of the largest water fall in the world. Our farmland unlike a lot of others has a variety of climate. The warmer summer climate ranges from +10 - +30 and the cooler climate ranges from anywhere to -10 - -30. Despite the changes in temperature, 's precipitation is very light. Our home is enclosed by the United States of America, south, the Pacific ocean and Alaska on the west side, the Atlantic ocean on the east side and the Arctic up north. One of the dominant reasons is so well populated is due to the fact of our financial status. At this present time, the economy is not doing too well, but who's is? is highly industr ...

Improving The Literacy Of Amer
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... not important, rather the way the literacy rate can be risen in the U.S. is what is important. A general situation that has to occur to raise literacy rate is the situation where an individual has the desire to read and write and does not do so solely because of instruction from authority figures. This certainly is not occurring today, as exemplified by the event that “even a best-selling book in this country might reach 5% of the population” (Castell 38). Perhaps a better way to influence the literacy in America is to examine the classrooms where primary education geared toward literacy takes place. This refers to elementary and middle school classrooms. An ex ...

The Virtues Of Honesty
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... statement, affirmation or a pledge often used in legal matters, which are usually based on religious principles. One example of an oath is - every witness, in a court of law must affirm or swear that the testimony she or he gives is the truth. Another example of an oath is the oath that is taken by a public official, such as the vice president and president of the United States of America when that official assumes office. The taking of an oath generally implies some legal or moral sanction for failing to carry out one's sworn pledge. A trial witness, for example, may be charged with the crime of perjury for lying under oath. When someone swears to a statem ...

Drug Dogs
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... of the damage to the area. Aggressive are not all the same. Their personalities come into play as well. I’ve been around these types of dogs when they have ripped a kitchen cabinet apart to get the drug they are looking for. A good example of an aggressive dog would be one that runs to fetch a thrown ball, and after retrieving the ball, begins to tear it to pieces. These types of dogs are known for performing their job the best. The second type of drug dog would be the compulsive dog. This dog compares closely to the aggressive dog. The compulsive dog will tend to be a dog that is ready to go at all times. This dog will have to be held back even when it is no ...

A Case Study In Diversity India And Romania
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... of the websites seemed to function for two obvious reasons: to provide some information about culture and country to interested people, and to p ‚rovide access to the atmosphere of ‘home’ for any people not living in their own country, be it India or Romania. Visually, each site is very different. Virtual Romania is very flashy, with lots of photos, java and shiny banners, and it is set up in a four frame format - very pushy. In contrast, SAWNET is much better organized, with lost of eye-easy ‘white-space’ and culturally representative yet simple graphics. I have yet to decide if this is indicative of a cultural influence, or s ...

Incineration, Is It Really Wor
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... from this rule, there is a byproduct to incineration just like there is a byproduct to a normal fire. As seen in the informative 3M Canada video, the gaseous byproduct of incineration passes through various cleaning agent, a lime treatment, and 4 stages of filters. This is done to make the gaseous element of incineration as non harmful as possible. The keyword there is possible. No matter what filters are applied there is still a significant amount of Carbon Dioxide and other harmful gases such as furons and dioxins being released. This makes an incinerator equivalent to a giant bonfire that burns 24hours a day, 7 days a week. This isnt good for our atmosphere, ca ...

Plato Vs. Marx: Philosophical Arguments
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... object, you must understand the definition of what it really is. On the contrary, Marx, a realist, believed that to understand the essence of an object, you must view and touch the object to understand what it really is. Also, Marx and Plato had epistemological differences. Their views on what knowledge was and how one came to understand were very different. For Plato, grasping the forms or ideas of something was gaining true knowledge. He believed that if one could understand the ideas or the true definition of something, they then had true knowledge of it. This type of knowledge comes from a world of being, where everything is something because it is forever ...

Corcopare Day Care Centers
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... in which children are often abused by the elders that take care of them and afterwards try to cover the situation. To find a good babysitter the mother must first, go to an agency and ask for a certified babysitter; second, the mother and the agency would have to set an interview date with the babysitter; third, interview the babysitter and examine her references. This could be difficult and time consuming if the mother is working. If day-care is provided by the employer the mother wouldn't miss work. Knowing that the day-care center is within the worksite it would give the mother comfort. The mother would be aware that the babysitters at the center are qualified ...

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