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What Is Piety
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... highly of Euthyphro. Socrates could then draw parallels between himself and Euthyphro, who the citizens' highly respect, thus bringing him respect, and freedom. This is where Socrates begins his dialogue with Euthyphro seeking the definition of piety. Socrates wants Euthyphro to teach him the meaning of piety since Euthyphro considers himself an authority on the subject. In this dialogue Euthyphro gives Socrates four different definitions of what he believes piety is, none of which prove satisfactory to Socrates, leaving the question unanswered in the end. The first definition that Euthyphro provides to Socrates is that "the pious is to do what I am doing now to pr ...

Shock Treatment - Nike Adverti
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... debut nationally on October 12 during the National League Championship Series and will air into November. What this ad focuses on is a handful of athletes who have each suffered serious scarring or physical trauma while participating in their sport of choice. The spot is filmed in black-and-white, accented by a haunting rendition of the song “You Are So Beautiful To Me,” and featuring close-ups of injuries suffered by both elite and so-called “everyday” athletes. It closes with the “Just Do It” message followed by the Nike Swoosh. Nike’s point of the commercial is that athletes at all levels of competition at one time o ...

Religion In Media
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... this not as a way to fix problems, but as a way to make money. “Television,” Billy Graham has written, “is the most powerful tool of communication ever devised by man. Each of my prime time ‘specials’ is now carried by nearly 300 stations across the U.S. and Canada, so that in a single telecast I preach to millions more than Christ did in his lifetime.” (Postman, 118). Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” sets forth the notion that religion is a bad thing, and that it only leads to problems. “But if you know about God, why don’t you tell them?” asked the Savage indignantly. “Why don ...

The Study Of Criminology
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... and motives. Some study the ways which individuals learn criminal behavior through association with people. Criminologists also study penology, which is the science of punishment and treatment of offenders. They try to make punishment more certain than ever, bringing people to trial quickly, imposing fair sentences, and providing adequate prisons. Criminologists use a wide variety of research techniques. Statistics are often used to study the crime rate and the characteristics of criminals. Criminologists find relationships between crime rates and certain physical or social conditions. For example, such studies may show that the crime rate increases when poverty ...

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... introduction of matchlocks changed the width, needed for moats and the thickness of walls to stop bullets. In 1346 the first Himeji castle appeared. The construction exhibited nothing more than a fort and mansion combined. Sadanori Akamatsu maintained the security for the area. "230 years later Hideyoshi Toyotomi designed the basic layout for the castle including a three-storied tower." ( Secondly, technology used in building the castle separates this castle from others of the time period. A man named Terumasa Ikeda appointed Tadashige Igi to the role of general magistrate for the construction of Himeji Castle. Igi organized m ...

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... than the manufacturing methods of the time, it could never be built. No more than twenty years after Babbageıs death, Herman Hollerith designed an electromechanical machine that used punched cards to tabulate the 1890 U.S. Census. His tabulation machine was so successful, he formed IBM to supply them. (Constable 11) The computers of those times worked with gears and mechanical computation. Unlike todayıs chip computers, the first computers were non-programmable, electromechnical machines. No one would ever confuse the limited power of those early machines with the wonder of the human brain. An example was the ENIAC, or Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. I ...

Reasons For Prosocial Behaviou
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... members of its species" (Alcock 1998). It is possible that Williams chose to be so brave and helpful due to a genetic basis. He was scared of ruining the financial lives of the employees at a troubled bank in Florida. He described this as one of his most difficult cases ever. This demonstrates his caring attitude and difficulty in hurting others. He always displayed optimism and helped anyone he could. Also, prosocial behaviour and norms could have affected Arland's actions while in the icy water of the Potomac River. Specifically, the "norm of social responsibility prescribes that people should help others who need help, regardless of whether they had help ...

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... use external forces to see if it would indeed effect their . Freud placed a strong cologne in front of a patients nose, and the patient dreamt that he was in Cairo acting as a sort of "Zorro" type hero on an adventure. Then he placed a drop of water on the patient's forehead, and the patient dreamt he was in Italy, and sweating violently while drinking Orvieto wine. So this would be one theory to how come about. However, Freud pondered the question of "why do we have if there is no external stimuli present?" Thus, he concluded that if there is no external stimuli then the dreamer must receive stimulus from an internal force, such as our inner most desire, wishes, ...

Dave Matthews Band
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... as a reference tool, I found that the life of the saga begins early in 1991.Dave Matthews decided to put the songs he'd been writing on tape. But rather than recording just his voice and guitar, he decided to gather some other musicians to give the project a fuller sound. Carter Beauford, Leroi Moore, Stefan Lessard, and Boyd Tinsley teamed with Dave Matthews and became the . After several rehearsals in basements, they were ready to play in public. The first gig was May 11, 1991 at a party on the roof of an apartment building in Charlottesville. About 40 people were in attendance that night. Their first open-to-the-public performance was at the 1991 Eart ...

A Room With A View Windy Corner Versus A Well Appointed Flat
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... she has ownership of it, rather than Cecil, suggests that this is her dominion, and as a result is the dominant one in their relationship. The word ‘flat’ sounds cold, empty and static, as opposed to the vibrancy of Windy Corner. Forster’s comment that it is ‘well-appointed,’ is another of his satirical observations, and this leads us to believe that perhaps it does not have such high standards after all. The physical interiors are just as different as their appointed names. Mrs Vyse’s flat is not described in too much detail, but just enough so that the reader has a clear picture of it in our minds. As mentioned above, the fl ...

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