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Your Future: Take The ACT Test
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... full while filling out your registration packet. Although what you know will determine how well you do on an ACT, your emotions, attitudes and physical state can influence your performance. On the test date you should be confident in your ability to do well on the ACT. You should be prepared to work hard. Get plenty of rest the night before the test so you will be in good physical conditions to take it. When I took the test I wasn’t feeling well, I was sick and I had to go to work the day before. I was tired and sick and these two factors played a major role in my ACT results. Addition to be in good shape, you should also dress comfortably, so you are comf ...

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... Economy The Chinese economy has been formed as a result of centuries of history and development, which reflect the philosophy of and its current economical position. started as a mainly agricultural based society with the subsistence group; the family. For more than 2000 years the Chinese economy operated under a type of feudal system; land was concentrated in the hands of a relatively small group of landowners whose income depended on rents from their peasant tenants. Agricultural taxes levied by the imperial government and crop yields subject to drought and floods kept agriculture relatively underdeveloped and organized in small units with the use of primitive ...

Public Relations Contigenct Th
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... the contingency theory made any sense to them. The theory itself offers 86 possible factors in the continuum at any given time to any given public. This allows the continuum offered to depict how an organizations stance toward one given public and not the outcome of the interaction with that public. The theory focuses then on what decisions led the organization to their stance in concern with greater or lesser accommodation to that public. One of the many factors suggests that more accommodation or more advocacy will be effective in gaining departmental and organizational objectives in the short and long term. The contingency theory further goes on to say that an a ...

Compare How Hobbes And Augustine Think The Condition Of War Arises And Defend One Author's Account Of `ordinary' Morality As An Antedote For It
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... to travel to our moral destination. It is only an exercise of the four virtues so that we as humans can achieve some sort of peace on our own through God's saving grace. To Augustine, humans seek an object of love they can't lose. The problem with that to humans is that humans can't provide that to other humans completely. Only God can and that in turn causes hostility among humans. The love of God, then, is the only way humans can completely satisfy all four virtues and have eternal peace. Eternal peace is where faith, love, and hope are to be enjoyed, such as in The City of God. In Book XIX, Augustinian social theory summarizes the principle ...

Greek Architecture And Orders
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... of this order were carved Acanthus leaves. They were very beautiful, but not quite as sturdy as the other two. The columns were sometimes replaced with load-bearing statues called Caryatids. Greek Homes Greek houses were probably the most common of all buildings. They were built out of mud, and bricks. They all had a few rooms for dining, cooking, bathing, and sleeping. To conclude about Greek homes, most Greek citizens spent their time away from home, so little architectural specialties were put into the households. Ancient Greek Temples Greeks spent alot of hard work, time and effort into the temples they built for their gods. This was where the three orde ...

Ancient Roman Meals
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... by cold meat, vegetables, and fruit washed down with a glass of wine. Both ientaculum and prandium were so short there was no need to set the table or wash ones hands. The only serious meal was the evening dinner or cena. Dinner time was practically the same for all Romans due to the lack of artificial light. Dinner was after the bath at the end of the eigth hour in winter and at the ninth in summer. The food is mostly cold,-breads, salads, olives, cheeses, and meats remaing from last nights dinner. Occasionally, hot dishes such as ham and pig's heads are feasted upon. Some wealthy Romans would have as many as seven courses to feed on. Trimalchio, a wea ...

Creon And Achilles
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... a quality, Sophocles and Homer glorify or debase characters such as . Rage, anger and revenge are exhibited by both Achilles and Creon. Achilles shows his rage in Book I of The Iliad when he speaks out against Agamemnon and refuses to fight, as well as in Book XXII when he avenges the death of Patroclus by the slaughter of Hector. Book XXIV, however, is the book in which Achilles situation most closely parallels that of Priam. To most objectively compare their characters, it is important that the situations we see them responding to are as similar as possible. In Antigone, the battle is over and all that remains are the remains of those fallen in battle. W ...

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... a product wouldn’t cause anything but a monopoly. This is fiction because people choose products that are simply reliable and of good quality. The success of Microsoft’s operating system hasn’t been used to cause a monopoly in the browser marker, but to increase the quality of their software. A statement from Bill Gates on the 7th of December stating “ I am proud of the work our people have done to bring the benefits of the Internet to consumers, and I am confident that the courts ultimately will uphold the importance of the freedom to innovate.” The intensity of the Internet lies in it openness, freedom and incredible reach. It is physically impossibl ...

Do Not Judge A Book By Its Cover
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... be a better place. There are many truly great and natural differences among people. “Nerds” are not “football players.” Their talents, skills, and capacities are not the same. An unalterable condition in human society is that the lowest cannot be made equal with the highest. Nature is vain. However, these conditions are adapted to benefit both individuals as well as the community. Life requires varied aptitudes, diverse services, and miscellaneous types of people to carry on its affairs as life as a whole. Drawn by our natural tendencies to fall into peer pressure, in our feelings of inadequacy, we constantly seek to form exclusive associations or “clique ...

Long Distance Learning
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... for individuals who wish to study independently but are not interested in pursuing a degree at the University level at the present time. You may register in the Open Learning program, even if you are registered at another educational institution or program. The Open Learning program extends the academic resources of the University to those interested in personal enrichment, professional updating, or eventual application to a degree program. Open learning program students must complete the same assignments and examinations as those in degree programs and is evaluated using the same standards. Upon successful completion of a course, learners receive the same credit w ...

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