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The Encroaching Darkness
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... to hunt down and destroy the "malicious intruders" who endangered the secrecy of secrets too dirty to be shown to the public. "These people could probably see how much time you spend last year on phone---!" the media screamed, inciting the vulgar to action. "Hackers might be able to look at your public records!" another "news" organization cried. They were afraid of having anyone but Phil, the socially inept record-keeper, knowing thier deep, dark traffic violation and burned at the technological stake. The pople helped in being keeping themselves, ignorant; they destroyed their would-be saviors, the men and women who were willing to play neo-monks and deliver t ...

The Three Paradigms In Society
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... has their own functions to help improve the peoples lives. Functionalist paradigm fits in the category of macro-sociology, because it focuses on the patterns that shape an entire society. Functionalists believe that society is maintained through the thought of trust and consensus on moral values for ideal behavior. Working together will result in a stable social environment that will create equality. Conflicts or dysfunctions will be view as a disease in the social system. Social conflict paradigm believes that society is divided into many groups that have their own goals, and that certain parts of the world have the luck of benefiting economic dominance. Societies ...

School Has To Be More Fun
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... including the students, happy. Arcades are money making machines, people can’t just pass by an arcade they have to go there and try a game out, which means putting money in the machine. With this money the school will be able to buy better equipment, like better computers for example. Better equipment will make learning more efficient and therefore more fun. The school can also use the money to organize more sporting events, dances, movie nights and many more. This will make students look forward to waking up early and going to school and will therefore give students more positive energy to learn. Finally the extra money will also help the most importa ...

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... seemed important to the people of that time. We may have placed a great deal of emphasis on aspects of 's life that never even crossed the people of his times mind. Therefore, many stories which may have been important in our assessment of are unknown. These assumptions may seem fairly simple and obvious, but they do have some very complex implications. After all, these assumptions are made in all stories we here, about or anything else for that matter. Obviously, since I believe that the authors have made these assumptions, I also believe that the writings we are presented are slanted. I do not believe, however that they have been unduly slanted. The argu ...

First Saw I Ever Saw
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... a small piece of wood. The copper strip had teeth lined up along one end that allowed the tool to cut a kerf in a small piece of wood. They later replaced the copper with bronze, and the bronze with iron. This new saw was effective, but was not very specialized. It would react differently under different conditions. Eventually more complex designs were discovered. These new designs allowed for the precision cutting of hardwood, softwood, with the grain, against the grain, and even raked out the unwanted sawdust. These saws differed in the layout of the teeth. Instead of the jawbone patter the teeth were placed in a "left-right-angled" pattern, to rake th ...

Abolishing Grades
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... of ranking students based solely on letters or numbers. Individuality and creativity were pushed aside so colleges, universities, graduate schools and employers would be able to judge their candidates. In the text, Celebrating Diversity, a short segment called, " Add Teaching To High-Risk Jobs," writes, "You can have an 'A'." Students' minds are generally focused on getting an "A," so they usually don't think about learning, rather they constantly render on the "A." Many candidates' acceptance are based on their academic and test standards and nothing more. Grades are thought to be the most accurate way to judge individuals and schools provide testing and gra ...

The Internet Revolution
Download This PaperWords: 1535 - Pages: 6

... June 1, Merrill Lynch announced it was joining and would begin selling stocks for $29.95 a trade (Cropper 60). A division of the Sabre Holdings Company of Fort Worth, Texas and Preview Travel, an exclusive partner of America Online, announced they were both merging to form one of the nations largest internet commerce sites with an expected revenue of nearly one billion dollars (Jones C-7). Companies are merging and joining the internet all out of craze. The internet is revolutionizing the way the world is doing business through faster, easier and more direct consumer access to their desired companies. Of course, such direct contact to these companies mean ...

How To Hit A Golf Ball
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... extra traction to prevent your feet from sliding. Now that you have the proper equipment, you can begin the drive. First, take the golf tee and insert it into the ground with the needle-like bottom down. Then, place the golf ball on the platform of the tee. The tee should be set at a height of comfort for the golfer. The size of the driver head, or part that comes into contact with the ball during a swing, should be taken into consideration because the middle of the ball should be struck with the sweet spot, or middle of the clubface. Next, approach the ball and establish a stance. The stance of your legs should be shoulder width apart and square with the s ...

Defending Pro-wrestling
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... I saw were amazing they were so muscular and talented. I was in shock because I thought that I hated wrestling more than anything...didn’t I? After watching it a few more times I became hooked and I have since learned all about wrestling and what a truly great sport it is. People assume that wrestlers are just faking all the moves they perform ,and that they really are not that strong. After watching wrestling for so long I have learned a lot about the wrestlers and their backgrounds. Many of the professional wrestlers played high school and college football. A prime example of this is my favorite wrestler The Rock, he played football for the Miami Hur ...

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... Odontoceti. s live in all of the open seas of the world, though some occasionally enter coastal waters. Some species, such as the white , or beluga, may travel upstream in large rivers. Some species migrate with the seasons; others remain year-round in the same habitats, where they find their preferred food. The present-day distribution and abundance of some species has been greatly influenced by the commercial whaling industry. rs eliminated or greatly reduced the numbers of some species of baleen s in certain oceanic regions where s once frolicked in abundance. This is particularly true in parts of the Arctic Ocean and the eastern North Atlantic Ocean, whe ...

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