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Aristotles Notion Of Body And Soul
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... The people who do let the soul rule over the body are in the ‘perfect state’. Because they succeed in seeing the grand scheme of things, that reason is more important than appetites, they are fit to be the rulers of the slaves. My opinion on Aristotle’s notion The superiority of the soul over the body is not as absolute as Aristotle puts it. Most certainly there are many times when the soul is more important than the body. For example, a man sees a very beautiful, married, woman. His body would tell him to try and have sexual intercourse with this woman. In this case it is good that his soul would tell him that committing this action would b ...

Louis XIV
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... war with Spain. His biggest battle, however, was sacrificing his love for Mazarin's niece for politics. In 1660 he married the daughter of the king of Spain to bring peace between the two countries. Mazarin died March 9, 1661. On March 10, Louis claimed supreme authority in France. Not since Henry IV had such a claim been made. Louis saw himself as God's representative on earth, therefore, infallible. He oversaw roadbuilding, court decorum, defense, and disputes within the church. He had the support initially of his ministers, then that of the French people. He had given France the image it desired-youth and vitality surrounded by magnificence. Louis won th ...

Alexander The Great
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... planned by his father before he croaked, he carried out a successful campaign against the defecting Thracians, penetrating to the Danube River. On his return he crushed in a single week the threatening Illyrians and then again took of to Thebes, which had revolted. He took the city by storm and razed it, sparing only the temples of the gods and the house of the Greed lyric poet Pindar, and selling the surviving inhabi¬ tants, about 8000 in number, into slavery. Alexander's promptness in crushing the revolt of The¬ bes brought the other Greek states into instant submission. Alexander began his war against Persia in the spring of 334 BC by crossing the Hellespo ...

Black Boy: Richard's Hungers
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... desire such simple paraphernalia. From a very early age and for much of his life thereafter, Richard experiences chronic physical hunger. “Hunger stole upon me slowly that at first I was not aware of what hunger really meant. Hunger had always been more or less at my elbow when I played, but now I began to wake up at night to find hunger standing at my bedside, staring at me gauntly” (16). Soon after the disappearance of Richard's father, he begins to notice constant starvation. This often reappears in his ensuing life. The type of hunger that Richard describes is worse than one who has not experienced chronic hunger can even imagine. “Once again I knew hung ...

“George S. Patton, Jr.”
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... So he spent most of his time during middle school trying to catch up to the other kids in reading and mathematics these were his two worst subjects. In high school he started to catch up to his fellow class mates. He became popular with the other kids by playing sports. He was an exceptional football player and track star. He went to two colleges VMI and West Point. He first went to VMI then he decided that he wanted the best so he transferred to West Point. While at West Point he was noticed for his amazing athletic ability he earned his letter there the famous Army A. He did this in football where in one game he broke both of his arms. He was also a good stu ...

Joseph Stalin
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... the death of Vladimir I. Lenin in 1924 Stalin became leader of the Soviet Union where he made many changes to agriculture and industry. He believed that the Soviet Union was one hundred years behind the West and that they had to catch up as quickly as possible. This is where the idea of his "Five Year Plan," came about. The five-year plan basically got the people involved and motivated them into a modern life. From the 5-year plan, 25 million farms were produced which were only big enough to feed the families that were harvesting them. The more successful peasants were called the Kulaks. Along with the five-year plan, Stalin launched a campaign for the &qu ...

Cicero: Is Law Possible Without Virtue?
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... some powers should be granted and assigned to the influence of the aristocracy; and third, that certain matters should be reserved to the people for decision and judgement." This composite state expressed in Scipio by Cicero, is an ideal Rome of the past. The Rex, was the royal element; the senate was the aristocratic influence; The plebs and patricians became the deciding people. Cicero addressed the pragmatical problems faced by the universal community, by giving it armies, judges and powers; literally giving the community of mankind the powers it lacked through Rome. "It is, indeed, my judgement, opinion, and conviction that of all forms of government there is n ...

Edgar Allan Poe 5
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... two years old, and the infant, Rosalie, were left as orphans. It was pure luck that Mrs. Frances Allan, the wife of a merchant in Richmond learned about the Poe babies. She had no children of her own and liked handsome little Edgar a lot more than his sister. She took him home with her, and another family took his little sister Rosalie. Mrs. Allan would have liked to adopt Edgar, but her husband was unwilling to commit himself. At that time people thought acting was immoral. John Allan could not help regarding the little son of actor parents as a questionable person to inherit his name and the fortune he was busy accumulating. He was willing howe ...

John F. Kennedy
Download This PaperWords: 1926 - Pages: 8

... to the United States Senate and in 1953 he married Jaqueline Bouvier. However one year later a spinal operation brought him to the edge of death's door, causing him to deeply reflect on his character (Sorensen 28). After his dangerous operation he researched and wrote a book, about democracy. The next year narrowly missing the Vice Presidential nomination of his party, Kennedy emerged as a national figure in large demand. "John Kennedy was not one of the Senate's great leaders" (Sorensen 43). Very few laws of great importance bear his name. Even after his initial “ traditionally' inactive freshman year in the Senate, his chances for major contributions t ...

Robert E. Lee
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... members of the Lee family had signed the Declaration of Independence, Richard Lee and Francis Lightfoot. Charles Lee had served as attorney General under the Washington administration while Richard Bland Lee, had become one of Virginia's leading Federalists. Needless to say, the Lees were an American Political dynasty (Nash 242). Lee's father was General Henry "Light-Horse Harry" Lee. He had been a heroic cavalry leader in the American Revolution. He married his cousin Matilda. They had four children, but Matilda died in 1790. On her death bed she added insult to injury upon Henry Lee by leaving her estate to her children. She feared Henry would squander the famil ...

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