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Essays on People

Henry James And William Dean Howells
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... parents. While his birth in 1843 was in New York City, his parents were purposly rootless, and by the age of eighteen he had already crossed the Atlantic six times. He avoided participation in the Civil War because of a poor back and began a role which he would maintain throughout his life and writings, one of a detached observer rather than participant in the American social scene. (Matthiessen 14) The first phase of James' writing begins when he is twenty-one, in 1864 and continues until 1881. He was extremely popular during this time, especially during after publication of a short story Daisy Miller, which is concerned with the destruction of a naive Americ ...

Henry VII
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... mother was Lady Elizabeth of York, Henry VII’s wife. My father was Henry VII, King of England until his death in 1509. What I Look Like: They say I was a precious child, alert and observant. At 17 I inherited the throne that had been destined for my brother Arthur, I also inherited his widow Catherine. I am almost 200 centimetres tall with pink and white cheeks. My hair is auburn and I have the beginnings of a red beard. I tower over others, which helps with authority. I am clean-shaven, and my hair is combed short and straight in the French fashion. I have a round face. I keep myself trim at the moment with exercise. I enjoy shooting, singing, dancing, wrestling ...

Download This PaperWords: 1789 - Pages: 7

... ‘Nannerl’) survived infancy. He was born in a house in the Hagenauersches Haus in Salzburg, Austria, on the 27th of January, 1756. The paternal ancestry of the family has been traced back with some degree of certainty to Fndris Motzhart, who lived in the Augsburg area in 1486; the name is first recorded, for a Heinrich Motxhart in Fischach, in 1331, and appears in other villages south-west of Augsburg, notably Heimberg, from 14th century. The surname was spelled in variety of forms, including Moxarth, Mozhrd and Mozer. His mother’s family came mainly from the Salzburg region, but one branch may be traced to Krems-Stein and Wien. They mostly followed lower middle-cla ...

Sir Thomas More
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... He shows this when Cardinal Woolsey summons him to attend a matter concerning the "Kings business". In their meeting the topic of the Kings re-marriage is what the Cardinal wanted to talk to More about, When Woolsey says "...that thing out there is at least fertile, Thomas". More shows that he is against the divorce by saying "But she's not his wife". More again shows his beliefs that a dispensation was given so that Henry could marry Catherine and Thomas knows that the Pope will not give a dispensation on a dispensation. More believes that the Pope should make the decision about the divorce. And More chooses to go against the divorce until the pope is approached ...

Karl Marx
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... for self-sacrifice on behalf of humanity." In October of 1835, he started attendance at the University of Bonn, enrolling in non-socialistic-related classes like Greek and Roman mythology and the history of art. During this time, he spent a day in jail for being "drunk and disorderly-the only imprisonment he suffered" in the course of his life. The student culture at Bonn included, as a major part, being politically rebellious and Marx was involved, presiding over the Tavern Club and joining a club for poets that included some politically active students. However, he left Bonn after a year and enrolled at the University of Berlin to study law and philosophy. M ...

Malcolm X
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... demeanor. Malcolm's business partner, was a white woman by the name of Sophia. They were on drugs and even robbed a house. Because of their antics, the law was on their trail. They eventually caught and sent to prison. Malcolm was sentenced to 8 years in prison while Sophia was only sentenced to 2 years because she was white. This relates to the social organization of arrest, which suggest that police arrest blacks at a higher rate than whites. While Malcolm was in jail, he was well known to the guards. One time he was asked to state his number, but instead he said he forgot his number. The guards beat the hell out of him and sent him to the darkroom. In the darkroo ...

Picasso - Life Stile
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... (Penrose). Pablo Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, to an artist and museum curator, Jose Ruiz Blasco. As a young child he surprised his elders with his astounding artistic abilities; and, as Rachel Barnes points out in her introduction to Picasso by Picasso: Artists by Themselves, there seemed to be no doubt that Picasso would become a painter. In order to better hone his prodigious abilities, Picasso attended the Academy in Barcelona for a brief period of time. He spent most of his early years painting in Paris, where he progressed through various periods - including a Blue period from 1900 to 1904 and a Rose period in 1904 - before creating the Cubist m ...

Langston Hughes
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... appeared in the NAACP publication Crisis Magazine and in Opportunity Magazine and other publications. One of Hughes' finest essays appeared in the Nation in 1926, entitled "The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain". It spoke of Black writers and poets, "who would surrender racial pride in the name of a false integration", where a talented Black writer would prefer to be considered a poet, not a Black poet, which to Hughes meant he subconsciously wanted to write like a white poet. Hughes argued, "no great poet has ever been afraid of being himself'. He wrote in this essay, "We younger Negro artists now intend to express our individual dark-skinned selves without ...

The Writings Of David Foster Wallace
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... of partying. Mind-altering drugs, promiscuous sex and dominant roles exist, just to name a few examples. An example is in the story “Girl With Curious Hair”: “...she would attempt to keep my erect penis in her mouth for several minutes without having an orgasm, and that she would let me burn her with several matches on the backs of her legs, as well, as this made me very happy” (Wallace 57). By this piece of work he stands, unwilling to denounce his creation. Frankly, he refuses to denounce any of his creations. Critics may pick here and there at his work, but this does not bother him in the slightest. Another commonality is that he never truly ends a story. ...

Jacqueline Kennedy
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... Radziwill, a Polish nobleman who has prospered in business in London (“Kennedy”). Jacqueline grew up on Park Avenue. She greatly resembled her father who was considered to be a very handsome man and was also often mistaken for Clark Gable. They both shared the same dark flowing hair, wide-spaced delicate eyes, and blunt nose. The father and daughter also shared the same large, square face. Even when Jacqueline was a child, she graced the presence of others with her natural social skill. At her second birthday party, Jacqueline played hostess and offered to share her toys and pony rides with all her little guests. At the age of two, she also participat ...

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