Biography Of Katharine Hepburn
... a
part as a schoolgirl in the play These Days. It opened in her hometown,
Hartford, Connecticut. She was praised by critics for her performance.
She earned a one hundred twenty-five dollar a week salary for These Days.
In the 1930's, that was a very high salary for begining actresses.
Katharine served as Hope Williams's understudy in Holiday. She sat
through every performance for six months. One day at understudy rehearsal,
Aurhtur Hopkins, the director, watched her act. �Fine,� he said, �Just
don't ever be sorry for yourself.�
One night at midnight, Jimmy Hagen, the writer of the play, asked
her if she still knew her part. Hope was sick and they needed h ...
Stephen King
... By the time he was seven years old, he had written his first short-story. He had also become a fan of 50s horror movies. While a teenager, he did things like other teens; he joined the football team, played in a rock band, but he also had two of his short-stories published.
King attended the University of Maine at Orono and earned a Bachelor's degree for English in 1970. He married Tabitha, also a writer, the same year. After graduation, he worked as an English teacher and spent his free time writing and being rejected by publishers. Then came his break with Carrie and things have never been the same.
Today, is the world's most successful writer. He has over a hu ...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
... King demonstrated to
America that though nonviolence might not be the approach we always
want to take, because it will sometimes destroy our egos. Through his
faith in god it helped him to motivate us so that we could be the better
race. It took more than whips, hoses, sticks, and segregation to keep
Black America down. The government kicked them off the high horse
to the ground, and as a Black Nation we jumped back on the saddle and
rode on to victory.
Dr. King started with the Civil Rights Movement, and from there
he kept on going. This movement started with a phone call about Rosa
Parks being arrested for not surrendering her seat to a white ...
Jennifer Lopez
... Selena, she bought her mom a Cadillac. Even though they saw Jennifer�s talent at the age of five, their relationship was not always understandable. Jennifer made a major decision and that was not to go to College. That decision was very disappointing to her parents who wanted her to go to law school. Her parents supported her pursuit of a career in show business, they did not wanted to be in the expense of her education. When Jennifer told her parents that she was not going to College and law school, they thought it was really stupid to go off and try to be a movie star. Her parents who at that time could not understand the choices she made are very happy for the ...
... made substantial gains on what a president could do for his country. His accomplishments as president will never be duplicated. Public opinion was so overwhelmingly for him that he was elected to office four times, which most likely will never be duplicated again. His reign in office came at, by the far and away, the most difficult time in American history. Not only did he accept the challenges at hand, he rose to the occasion and took this country to another level. Roosevelt was born on January 30 near New York City. He graduated from Harvard in 1904 and attended Law School. Although he didn't get his law degree, he was admitted to the New York bar in 1907. He was ...
Eleanor Roosevelt
... or important meetings. She was a well respected human being, achieving great duties and responsibility in life. She was appointed by President John F. Kennedy to be on the first Peace Corps advisory board. She was such an active lady while her husband was in office that she was no longer willing to stay quietly in the background of her husband. She took a job as an editor and advertising manager of a monthly publication " The Women�s Democratic News" where she became more independent towards herself and work.
became very involved in women issues, being that she also joined the newly organized Women�s division of the New York State Democratic party a ...
Mk Ghandhi
... disagreement with most ideas from the same authors. To take a step back and to get a clear view, I see myself in strong divergence with the view of the author of “Non-Violent Resistance”, M.K. Gandhi. His implications do not justify, and there are many of his beliefs that I am in disagreement with.
Prior to looking at Gandhi’s belief of non-violent resistance, we must understand the meaning of violence and non-violence. Violence being specific forces in any form that are intentionally applied to assault others, bodies, minds or intellectual levels. It is often an exhibition of anger. Looking at the definition, we must be aware that non-violence i ...
George Frideric Handel
... Three years later, he traveled to Italy, where he tried to master the Italian style of music. In Italy he met the leading composers and musicians and worked on pieces together which gave him more insight on music. In 1712, he moved to England where he wrote most of his music. Handel composed music for George I of England including "Water Music."
Handel composed the first London Italian opera ,"Rinaldo". He also developed a new form of opera called English oratorio. It combined the gaiety of Italian opera with an increased amount of chorus, usually in English and religious text. His most famous oratorio is the Messiah. It dealt with the birth, passion, and resurre ...
Analysis Of King Lear
... who is wholly evil, and Lear whose nature is transformed by the realization of his folly and his descent into madness.
The play begins with Lear, an old king ready for retirement, preparing to divide the kingdom among his three daughters. Lear has his daughters compete for their inheritance by judging who can proclaim their love for him in the grandest possible fashion. Cordelia finds that she is unable to show her love with mere words:
"Cordelia. [Aside] What shall Cordelia speak? Love,
and be silent."
Act I, scene i, lines 63-64.
Cordelia's nature is such that she is unable to engage in even so forgivable a deception as to satisfy an old king's vanity and p ...
Aristotle Vs. Copernicus
... became king, Aristotle returned to Athens and established
his own school, the Lyceum. Because much of the discussion in his school took
place while teachers and students were walking about the Lyceum grounds,
Aristotle's school came to be known as the Peripatetic ("walking" or
"strolling") school. Upon the death of Alexander in 323 bc , strong anti-
Macedonian feeling developed in Athens, and Aristotle retired to a family estate
in Euboea. He died there the following year.
His works on natural science include Physics, which gives a vast amount of
information on astronomy, meteorology, plants, and animals. His writings on the
nature, scope, and properties of being ...
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