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Essays on People

Peter The Great
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... produce different attitudes. What views are put forward by Peter's contemporaries and modern historians? How did advocates and opposition portray the reign of ? These are important questions to ask in an explanation on how was seen in the eyes of his contemporaries and of modern historians. In order to understand the image of and his significance it is necessary to know his background and the influences that shaped his life. was the fourteenth child of Alexei Mikhailovich, born in Moscow on May 30, 1672. Tsar Alexis died when Peter was four years old. His mother raised Peter. Tsars' Alexis son from his first marriage, Feodor Alekseevich succeeded to ...

Johann Sebastian Bach
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... at St Thomas's choir school in Leipzig, where, apart from his brief visit to the court of Frederick the Great of Prussia in 1747, he remained there until his death. Bach married twice and had 21 children, ten of whom died in infancy. His second wife, Anna Magdalena Wulkens, was a soprano singer; she also acted as his amanuensis, when in later years his sight failed. Bach was a master of contrapuntal technique, and his music marks the culmination of the Baroque polyphonic style. Important Works Sacred music includes over 200 church cantatas, the Easter and Christmas oratorios, the two great Passions of St Mathew and St John, and the Mass in B minor. Orchestr ...

Al Capone
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... to either deal with a miserable low wage job with a hopeless future or make an improvement for himself by committing first minor, then serious crimes. 's philosophy was that laws only applied to people who had enough money to live by them. While in the �Bim Booms� gang, Capone was taught how to defend himself with a knife, and with a gun. By the time Capone reached the sixth grade he had already become a street brawler. Capone never responded well to authority and for this very reason his schooling would soon come to an end. While attending school, Capone was responsible for beating a female teacher and knocking her to the ground. The principal of the school rus ...

Neve Campbell
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... old. She also had been a model for two months but found that modeling had no satisfaction and very low. After this she turned towards the theatre for a career, since she wanted to be a performer. Another contribution to her career was when Neve was involved in the theatre. After her quitting dancing, she had turned out to be the Degas girl in �The Phantom of the Opera�. She preformed at the Pantages theatre in Toronto. Neve had preformed in over 800 shows when she was done in �The Phantom of the Opera� Neve says she likes the theatre because she gets an automatic response from the audience. It was this part of her career that Neve found the love of acting, not onl ...

Sir Isaac Newton
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... that he should be prepared for the university, and he entered Trinity College, Cambridge, in June 1661. Newton received his bachelor's degree in 1665. After an intermission of nearly two years to avoid the plague, Newton returned to Trinity, which elected him to a fellowship in 1667. He received his master's degree in 1668. Newton ignored much of the established curriculum of the university to pursue his own interests: mathematics and natural philosophy. Proceeding entirely on his own, he investigated the latest developments in mathematics and the new natural philosophy that treated nature as a complicated machine. Almost immediately, he made fundamental discover ...

Napoleon 2
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... of government that helped settle the disputes of France. Napoleon’s career was arranged into a series of both accomplishments and defeats. He demonstrated his accomplishments during battle as well as in government. By setting up the Napoleonic code, Napoleon unified the old Feudal Law and Royal Laws. Many of the laws set up, were based on his knowledge of the Enlightenment. He simplified the laws of old as well as new, and allowed freedom of speech and press. His main idea with these laws was to give all men equal rights. Women were also included into several laws. Another accomplishment was shown through religion. Though he supported Catholicism and declared ...

Martin Luther And His Teachings
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... powerful weapon in the inciting of a religious revolution. A main reason for how his teachings led to a revolution was printing and its effect on the disseminating of propaganda. Without it, the revolution would never have occurred. Between 1518-1524 the amount of books printed increased seven times and between 1517-1520, thirty Lutheran tracts sold 300,000 copies. Another reason was the financial and political difficulties experienced by the Church of Rome. Many people were worried about the prevalence of corruption and bribery and also critical of certain practices such as indulgences. The papacy was open to considerable amounts of criticism. Peasants also ...

George Mason's Views
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... write it because he disagreed with a few of the concessions made in the document. The original colonists of America were in a way spoiled when it came to the rights of English subjects so naturally when forming their societies they incorporated those rights in their culture. When oppressed by the English, colonists fought vehemently for their rights and their principals. The essence of America from the start was the opportunity for people of all backgrounds, culture, races, and religions to start fresh in a society granting freedoms and rights not available in other countries. The question from colonial times was the origin of those rights. Were rights able to ...

Michael Jordan 3
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... Soon Michael adopted the game of basketball. When Michael reached the ninth grade, he tried out for the basketball team. Coach Lynch, Michael's coach, cut Michael, which in turn may have made the best player alive today. Michael then took practicing basketball to another level. He played his brother Larry whenever he could. Michael never expected what would come in the near future. Michael Jordan went to the University of North Carolina as a basketball recruit. Even though Jordan at 6'5" was a man with potential, he still studied very hard in an attempt to get a good education, while competing in sports. Mike wasn't expected to be a star of the Tar Heels, since ...

Sam Walton
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... later on in his life. Walton learned several things from others as well. For instance, he learned to economize from his job at J.C. Penney. And while he was developing his first general store, Walton saw what the competition was doing wrong, and did the complete opposite, such as selling more quantity in order to make a bigger profit in the long run. It can probably be stated that would not have been as successful if his devoted wife had not been there along his side. Always there for him, Mrs. Walton was able to keep the entire family together during the hard and difficult times. While Sam was out doing the dirty work trying to make something of his business, Mr ...

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