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Essays on People

Ira Remsen: A Scientist Unknown His Work
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... 1879, he was the founding editor of American Chemical Journal. Also in that same year, he made a remarkable, accidental discovery with a fellow researcher Constantine Fahlberg when they were working on a derivative of coal tar. One night, after a long day in his laboratory He we was having dinner with wife. When he was eating a regular roll. Remsen noticed that it was quite sweet at first, but it left a bitter after-taste. He made his wife taste the bread and he found nothing wrong or something unusual about the taste. So Remsen decided to taste his fingers and there he found that same sweet then bitter taste despite washing his hands thoroughly after working in ...

Henry James
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... of affulent, eccentric parents. While his birth in 1843 was in New York City, his parents were purposly rootless, and by the age of eighteen he had already crossed the Atlantic six times. He avoided participation in the Civil War because of a poor back and began a role which he would maintain throughout his life and writings, one of a detached observer rather than participant in the American social scene. (Matthiessen 14) The first phase of James' writing begins when he is twenty-one, in 1864 and continues until 1881. He was extremely popular during this time, especially during after publication of a short story Daisy Miller, which is concerned with the des ...

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... of interests, which included encompassing statics, hydrostatics, optics, astronomy, engineering, geometry, and arithmetic. had more stories passed down through history about his clever inventions than his mathematical theorems. This is believed to be so because the average mind of that period would have no interest in the Archimedean spiral, but would pay attention to an invention that could move the earth. '? most famous story is attributed to a Roman architect under Emperor Augustus, named Vitruvius. Vitruvius asked to devise some way to test the weight of a gold wreath. was unsuccessful until one day as he entered a full bath, he noticed that the deeper ...

Florence Nightengale
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... She wanted to have a career, and this was very unusual of a woman in this time. Florence knew she wanted to help others on her own, but had no idea what she could do. Florence refused to marry several suitors, and at the age of twenty-five told her parents that she wanted to become a nurse. Her parents were appalled at this decision because the idea of nursing was associate with working class women and it was not considered a suitable profession for well-educated women. While the family conflicts over Florence’s future remained unsolved it was decided that Florence would tour Europe. In her travels, Florence undertook months of nursing training, unbeknownst to ...

Biography: Anne Sullivan (1866-1936)
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... Blind in Boston. She was nicknamed "Spitfire" because she behaved badly and was very rude; however the school's director realized that she could become a talented pupil. Several years later, after two operations, she regained her sight and graduated with honours. Life with Helen She came to work with Helen when she was 20 years old and a graduate of the Perkins School for the Blind. Her persistence in trying to reach the deaf-blind child was rewarded in the now famous incident at the backyard pump. That breakthrough was immortalized in Gibson's play, books, on television and in film. Miss Sullivan transcribed many books into Braille for Helen Keller. She atte ...

Raoul Wallenberg
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... he called Farfar, was Sweden's ambassador to Turkey. Farfar told Raoul of his plans to open a world bank and that he would like his help. Farfar told Raoul exiting stories of the Wallenergs in the past. Jacob Wallenberg helped open trade routes to China and Japan. His great grand father, Andre Oscar, went to sea at the age of fifteen and became a steam boat captain not long after. Raoul dreamed of being one of the "Big Men" like the men in his family. He looked at them as fearless Vikings (Linne'a 7,8). Raoul studied architecture at the university of Michigan in Arbor, Michigan U.S.A. He could learn about banking after collage. He wasn't good in math th ...

Life Of Fredrick Douglass
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... by death. He escaped slavery when he was barely an adult and wrote the story of his life and how discrimination affected it. Not only is discrimination the theme of Douglass’ novel, it is also the cause of his horrible condition. In his autobiography he claims he “was made to drink the bitterest dregs of slavery” (73). Throughout the novel Douglass never encounters a slave who is not black. “Why am I a slave,” Douglass asks (Douglass 73). This is surely a question asked by every victim of prejudice. Another piece that illustrates discrimination is Joseph Brant’s, “Indian Civilization Vs. White Civilization.” ...

Sir Thomas More
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... He shows this when Cardinal Woolsey summons him to attend a matter concerning the "Kings business". In their meeting the topic of the Kings re-marriage is what the Cardinal wanted to talk to More about, When Woolsey says "...that thing out there is at least fertile, Thomas". More shows that he is against the divorce by saying "But she's not his wife". More again shows his beliefs that a dispensation was given so that Henry could marry Catherine and Thomas knows that the Pope will not give a dispensation on a dispensation. More believes that the Pope should make the decision about the divorce. And More chooses to go against the divorce until the pope is ...

Ulysses S. Grant
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... the sister of a classmate. They fell in love and soon became engaged, but the threat of war with Mexico delayed their wedding until 1848. In 1845, Grant's regiment went to Texas, in an area claimed by both Mexico and the United States when the Mexican War began in 1846. (Scaturro 2) In 1847, Grant took part in the capture of Mexico City. By the end of the war he was promoted to first lieutenant for his skill and bravery. Grant's experiences in the Mexican War taught him lessons that will later help him during the Civil War. Grant was almost 39 years old when the Civil War began in 1861. He strongly opposed secession and as soon as war broke out he knew h ...

Louis Pasteur
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... his youth, he developed an ambition to become a teacher. While still in his teens, he went to Paris to study in a famous school called Lyce St. Louis. During his studies to become a teacher, he was fascinated by a chemistry professor, Monsieur Jean-Baptist Dumas. He wrote home excitedly about these lectures, and decided that he wanted to learn to teach chemistry and physics, just like his favorite professor. In 1847 he earned a doctorate at the Ecole Normale in Paris, with a focus on both physics and chemistry. Becoming an assistant to one of his teachers, he began research that led to a significant discovery. He found that a beam of polar ...

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