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Essays on People

Norman Rockwell Bio
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... League in New York. Here Rockwell was recognized as an above average illustrator with good potential. Rockwell then after developing his skills and contributing many illustrations to children’s magazines, managed to muster up the courage to show his work to a bigger periodical, the Saturday Evening Post. Happy with the quality of Rockwell’s work the Post gave Rockwell a job creating illustrations and cover art for its periodicals. This would be his arena, revealing his works to thousands of people, for over forty years. During this period Rockwell painted portraits of various celebrities and persona. Rockwell was a “people painter” and pred ...

Charles Shultz
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... actual reoccurring characters, of which I am about to share with you along with a brief description of each. First off, of course, is Charlie Brown. He wins your heart with his losing ways. It always rains on his parade, his baseball game, and his life. He’s an stong willed boy who is afraid of arguments. Although he is concerned with the true meaning of life, his friends sometimes call him “blockhead.” Other than his knack for putting himself down, there are few sharp edges of wit in that head of his; usually he’s the butt of a joke, not the joker. He can be spotted a mile away in his sweater with the zig zag trim, head down, han ...

Roy Lichtenstein
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... taught at New York State University College, Oswego from 1957 until 1961 when he transferred and began teaching at Douglas College of Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ he stopped teaching there in 1963. Later that year Roy moved to New York where he was commissioned by the architect Philip Johnson to produce large format painting for the New York State Pavilion at the World’s Fair in New York. This year he also had his first one-man exhibition in Europe at the Galerie Ileana Sonnabend, Paris. He was given his first American retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Cleveland in 1963 also. Other exhibitions where Roy was represented in the sixties ...

Bill Cosby
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... and the TV. They were comedians like Sam Levenson, Sid Caesar, and Carl Reiner. Even though his grades were poor in junior high, when he took the standardized tests he was accepted to Central High School, which was a school for all the gifted children in Pennsylvania. Now being six feet, he was on the high school football team. But in the first week of football he broke his arm. Since there were few blacks in the school and he was slightly a target of biggotous remarks he went back to getting attention by clowning around in class again. He was later sent to Germantown Highschool where all his neighborhood friends went. He was back with his friends but his grades ...

Adolf Hitler: Ruthless Leader Of Germany
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... To fulfill his dream he moved to Vienna where the academy of arts was located. Adolf failed to be accepted to the academy in 1906. In 1907 he tried again and was confident that he would make it in. To his surprise he failed again to be accepted into the academy. The dean of the academy told Adolf that he could never be a painter (Smith 29). This rejection crushed him, as he now had nowhere else to go. I like to speculate what would have happened if he had been accepted into the academy. Would the world have been spared World War II? While living in Vienna Adolf made his living by drawing small pictures of famous landmarks which he sold as post cards. H ...

Charles Lindbergh 2
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... thought it could be done. After securing $15,000 from the head of the St. Louis Chamber of Commerce, Lindbergh started searching for a plane to make the transatlantic journey. Rather then go with a multi-engine plane like many other aviators were going with, he felt that it only increased the chance of an engine failing. He also wanted the plane to weigh as little as possible, thus increasing the flight range. This also meant he would be going alone. By 1927, Ryan Airlines offered to build him a single-engine plane that met his specifications for only $6,000, excluding an engine. Lindbergh met with them and despite the unimpressive headquarters, he walked away im ...

Martin Luther King
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... of Coloured People, an important Civil Rights group. These efforts to improve the way of life for Blacks could be seen by his son. In December 5, 1955 King began to be significant in the changing of the Black man's way of life. The boycott of the Montgomery Bus was begun when Rosa Parks refused to surrender her seat on a bus to a white man on December 1st. Two Patrolmen took her away to the police station where she was booked. He and 50 other ministered held a meeting and agreed to start a boycott on December 5th, the day of Rosa Parks's hearing. This boycott would probably be successful since 70% of the riders were black. The bus company did not take them ...

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... Prize for Literature. This novel also won the Pulitzer Prize award. III. July 21st, 1899, Ernest was born. He was born to DR Clarence Edmonds and Grace Hall . He grew up in a small conservative town called Oak Park, Illinois. His father, a practicing doctor, taught him how to hunt and fish, while his mother, wished to make him a professional musician. His upbringing was very conservative and somewhat religious. He attended Oak Park and River Forest High School, where he distinguished himself in English. His main activities where swimming, boxing, and of course writing. In 1917, turning his back on University, he decided to move to booming Kansas City where he got ...

Robert Andrew Millikan
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... Oberlin College. Robert actually began his physics career when he taught an elementary course at the request of his Greek professor during his sophomore year. He then transferred to Columbia University from which he graduated in 1893 as the only student graduate in physics. After this accomplishment Millikan travelled to Germany to study with such professors Planck and others. When this period was on his resume Millikan was offered a position in the Physics department at the University of Chicago and Millikan took it. After teaching for a period Millikan decided that physics could only be taught properly through the practice of experimentation and getting your ...

Nicholas Ferrar
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... of the fens was bad for his health and he traveled to Europe, spending time in the warmer climate of Italy. On his return to England he found his family had fared badly. His brother John had become over extended financially and the Virginia Company was in danger of loosing its charter. Nicholas dedicated himself to saving the family fortune and was successful. He served for a short time as Member of Parliament, where he tried to promote the cause for the Virginia Company. His efforts were in vain for the company lost their charter anyway. Nicholas is given credit for founding a Christian community called the English Protestant Nunnery at Little Gidding in Huntin ...

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