Louis Pasteur 3
... in crystallography, the phenomenon of optical isomers. Paradoxically it incited him to abandon the field. But it won the acclaim of the French Academy and Britain's Royal Society. Thus Pasteur became famous at the age of 26.
Pasteur soon began researching the complexities of bacteriology. The prevalent theory of life at the time was spontaneous generation which states that certain forms of life such as flies, worms, and mice can develop from non-living matter such as mud and decaying fish. Pasteur disproved this theory with a simple experiment. He showed that microorganisms would grow in sterilized broth only if the broth was first exposed to air conta ...
The Literary Contributions Of King Alfred The Great
... court bards reciting poetry. One day his mother, holding a fine
manuscript book in her hand, said to Alfred and his elder brothers, 'I will
give this book to whichever of you can learn it most quickly.' Although he
could not read, Alfred was greatly attracted to the book and was determined
to own it. Forestalling his brothers, he took it to his teacher who read
it to him. He then went back to his mother and repeated the entire book
from memory to her (Fadiman 14, Keynes 75). This talent was the foundation
of Alfred's later reputation as a scholar, translator, and patron of
As Alfred's role as king and patron began, he solemnly noted on
several occa ...
Pitikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker
... ...
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
... the rest of her life. Doctors began treating her with morphine, which she would use until she died. While riding a pony when she was fifteen, Elizabeth also suffered a spinal injury. Throughout her teenage years, Elizabeth taught herself Hebrew so that she could read the Old Testament. Her interests then later turned to Greek studies. Accompanying her appetite for the classics was a passionate enthusiasm for her Christian faith. She became active in the Bible and Missionary Societies of her church. In 1826 Elizabeth then anonymously published her collection An Essay on Mind and Other Poems. Two years after that her mother passed away. The slow abolition of slaver ...
A Biography On Carl Sandburg
... to Lombard College. Afterwards , he went on to work
as an organizer for the Social-Democratic Party in Wisconsin, during 1907
through 1908. That was also the year he got married. He also wrote for the
Leader, a newspaper in Milwaukee. He then went on to the city of Chicago.
There, he wrote for the two newspapers, the Daily News and the Daybook.
He liked writing for newspapers some, but his true passion was poetry.
Some of his early poems were published in the Chicago newspapers he worked
With his love for poetry grew, the demand for his poetry also grew.
In the year 1916, at the age of thirty eight, he published the book,
Chicago poems. Two years l ...
Ansel Adams
... in New York City in 1913. There was also a music exhibition that took Ansel's interest. Ansel took his first photograph in 1916 at age 19, when he and his parents went on a trip to Yosemite National Park. He took his picture with a Kodak Box Brownie camera. His images were of the park, and nature, but his major interest were the High Sierra Mountains. From that time on, Ansel returned to Yosemite National Park every summer. While he was there in 1919, he joined the Sierra Club. The purpose of this club was to explore and protect the wilderness areas of the Sierra Nevada. Ansel eventually worked in the park for four summers as the caretaker of the club' ...
George Bizek
... His parents encouraged him in music. His father was confident
that his son would become a great musician. His father was actually too
supportive of his musical education. He had been known to hide young Georges'
other school books so he would not be distracted from his musical studies. He
received his first music lesson from his mother when he was just four years old.
She was teaching him to read music at the same time she was teaching him his
Bizet was enrolled in the Paris Conservatory when he was nine years old.
This was a special exception arranged by his uncle who taught at the
Conservatory, since Bizet was still a year younger than the mi ...
History Of Mozart
... them cordially. Later the Mozart children displayed (1763-66) their talents to audiences in Germany, in Paris, at court in Versailles, and in London (where Wolfgang wrote his first symphonies and was befriended by Johann Christian Bach, whose musical influence on Wolfgang was profound). In Paris the young Mozart published his first works, four sonatas for clavier with accompanying violin (1764). In 1768 he composed his first opera, La Finta Semplice, for Vienna, but intrigues prevented its performance, and it was first presented a year later at Salzburg. In 1769-70, Leopold and Wolfgang undertook a tour through Italy. This first Italian trip culminated in a new ...
Columbus 2
... After a couple of years Columbus sailed with the Portuguese through the Mediterranen and the Atlantic as far south as La Mina (Present day Elmaina , Ghana) and as far north as England. Columbus also made a voyage to Iceland in 1477.
In 1479 Columbus married the Portuguese noblewomen Dona Felipa e Perestrello e Moriz and established land in Porto Santo were his son Diego was born in 1480. When his wife died somewhere between 1481 to 1485, Columbus returned to Lisbon. As early as 1484 Columbus got a plan to sail west from the Canary Islands to the Indies (now East Indies) and the island kingdom of Cipangu (modern day Japan). When King John II declined Columbus ...
Ansel Adams
... New York City in 1913. There was also a music exhibition that took Ansel's interest. Ansel took his first photograph in 1916 at age 19, when he and his parents went on a trip to Yosemite National Park. He took his picture with a Kodak Box Brownie camera. His images were of the park, and nature, but his major interest were the High Sierra Mountains. From that time on, Ansel returned to Yosemite National Park every summer. While he was there in 1919, he joined the Sierra Club. The purpose of this club was to explore and protect the wilderness areas of the Sierra Nevada. Ansel eventually worked in the park for four summers as the caretaker of the club's headq ...
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