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Essays on People

Stephen Crane
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... Methodist minister, Jonathan Townley, and Mary Helen Peck ("Stephen" n.p.). Being a minister, his father greatly influenced his ideas and attitudes towards writing. His father was a kind minister, but his mother believed that God was a God of wrath. The effects of his preoccupation with faith are evident in most of Crane’s work, Throughout his writings he tried to shake the thought that God was wrathful (Colvert, 12:101). began his formal education at a military school where he studied the Civil War and military training ("Stephen" n.p.). After military school he proceeded to attend Lafayette College in the fall of 1890 where he played bas ...

Biographies: Jackson, Van Buren, And Harrison
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... an expansion that would reach it's peak over the next two presidents also. There were two major reasons which made people expand the country during Jackson's presidency the silver & gold believed to be in the areas near Mexico, and also bankers accumulated so much money from material from the west that money became inflated--which encouraged people to move west to escape this growing inflation. Martin Van Buren Van Buren was the next president who had to face the horrible economic conditions began during Jackson's presidency. In 1836 Van Buren was elected president, this time I think voters used their heads and knew Van Buren was the o ...

Lyndon B Johnson
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... contacts in Washington, D.C. On Nov. 17, 1934, he married Claudia Alta Taylor, known as "Lady Bird." A warm, intelligent, ambitious woman, she was a great asset to Johnson's career. They had two daughters, Lynda Byrd, born in 1944, and Luci Baines, born in 1947. In 1933, Franklin D. Roosevelt entered the White House. Johnson greatly admired the president, who named him, at age 27, to head the National Youth Administration in Texas. This job, which Johnson held from 1935 to 1937, entailed helping young people obtain employment and schooling. It confirmed Johnson's faith in the positive potential of government and won for him a group of supporters in Texas. In 19 ...

Alexander Hamilton
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... mother employed him as the clerk and bookkeeper of her store. While he worked in his mother’s store he became the target of many rumors and torments. Her husband brought up Rachel, his mom, on charges of adultery. Her husband had made it public that Hamilton and his brother were illegitimate children. Alexs mother had now been declared a whore. After his mother’s died of yellow fever her husband sued for everything she had so that he could deprive the whore children of anything that could help them. Through all these tribulations Hamilton realized that nothing would be handed to him and he would have to work harder than anyone else to m ...

Julia Roberts
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... divorced in 1971. Five years later, Julia’s father died. Julia has three siblings: a brother Eric, and two sisters Lisa and half-sister Nancy. Eric and Lisa were both actors. She also has several puppies and a German Shepherd-Husky mix named Diego. By watching Julia on screen you may be deceived, whereas she is not quite the glamorous, dressy gal you think. Julia’s quite the opposite, she is a fast talking farm girl who often dresses grunge-like. Also, she is not a very competitive but never misses a chance to put on her dancing shoes. Julia’s homes vary across the United States from an apartment in the East to a house in the West to a retreat in ...

Adolf HItler
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... as young Hitler wrote later, "the thought of slaving in an office made me ill…not to be master of my own time." Defying his father, the self-willed boy filled most of his school hours with daydreams of becoming a painter. His one school interest was history, especially that of the Germans. When his teacher glorified Germany's role, "we would sit there enraptured and often on the verge of tears." From boyhood he was devoted to Wagner's operas that glorified the Teutons' dark and furious mythology. Failure plagued him. After his father's death, when Adolf was 13, he studied watercolor painting, but accomplished little. After his mother's death, when he was 19, he went ...

Charlie Chaplin
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... forced to enter the Lambeth Workhouse for the poor. Soon after the two boys were sent to Hanwell School for Orphans and Destitute Children. Two years later after Charlies mother had a breakdown he and Sydney went to live with their father and his mistress. In the same year Charlie joined the dancing troupe, the Eight Lancashire Lads. Which eventually led to his parts in Sherlock Holmes and a few other parts. At the same time his brother Sydney had joined the famous Fred Karno Company and there he quickly became a leading player and writer. Late in the year 1900 Charlie is cast as a cat in a production of Cinderella at the London Hippodrome. Less than a month later ...

The Life Of Charles Dickens
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... as men go in the bewildering world of ours, brave, transparent, tender-hearted, and honorable. Dickens was always a little too irritable because he was a little too happy. Like the over-wrought child in society, he was splendidly sociable, and in and yet sometimes quarrelsome. In all the practical relations of his life he was what the child is at a party, genuinely delighted, delightful, affectionate and happy, and in some strange way fundamentally sad and dangerously close to tears. At the age of 12 Charles worked in a London factory pasting labels on bottles of shoe polish. He held the job only for a few months, but the misery of the experience remain wi ...

Rupert Mccall
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... for his third book entitled “Green and Gold Malaria” which has already sold 60000 copies. Rupert has also produced a CD, which has nearly reached gold status. The image that comes across in his poetry is one of a “True Blue Aussie”. He writes about things in a way that only a true Aussie would understand. His poetry is on topics such as cricket, AFL and proud Australian moments such as the Australian Rugby team winning the World Cup. If an immigrant from Italy was to read Ruperts poetry, they would not appreciate it. Because he writes about Australian issues that only true Australians would understand. So they would think that he has a screw ...

Lester Pearson
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... Royal Flying Corps. He then began taking flight training but as fate would have it he was hit by a London Transport Bus. He remained in the hospital until he revived in the spring of 1918. In November 1918 he enrolled in the University of Toronto again. On June 5 1919 he graduated. Like many other young veterans he was at a loss for something to do. Law was a respectable profession at the time so he ground away at the ungrateful task of articling for law. After a week he decided that business was more promising. He worked at a number of places but in the end he decided to teach at the University of Toronto. He taught history in the University of Toronto fr ...

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