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Essays on People

Shoeless Joe Jackson
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... its own legacy that is still inciting arguments among fans today: the fate of "Shoeless" Joe Jackson" (Everstine 3). As the word was being spread to "bet on the Reds", (Everstine 3), an astronomical amount of money was needed to make the payoff to all involved, including the baseball players of the White Sox who were participating in the scandal. Before the beginning of the game on that ‘scandalous’ day, Joe Jackson begged the owner of the White Sox; Charles Comiskey to listen to him in regards to the fix of the game that was about to happen. The evidence was proven that Jackson had even asked to be benched for the series to avoid any susp ...

Rosa Parks
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... South in particular was very racist. Slavery had been abolished only by some fifty years earlier, and blacks were still hated and were feared by whites because of skin color. Jim Crow had a law "separate but equal." The Supreme Court ruled in 1896, that equal protection could not mean separate but equal facilities. Blacks were made to feel inferior to whites in every way. They were restricted in their choices of housing and jobs, were forced to attend segregated schools, and were prohibited from using many restaurants, movie theaters. said, years later, "Whites would accuse you of causing trouble when all of you were doing was acting like a normal human being, ...

Julius Caesar: Addaddination
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... allure of his charm, lay an insatiable hunger for power. Although he was strong and clever enough to wield that power, his tragic flaw, an unbearable arrogance, brought him to a tragic end. It was Caesar’s overwhelming ambition and arrogant personality that resulted from his success, that made his assassination inevitable. Caesar was a fortunate man; he had lived in a great city, seen much of the western world, loved a foreign queen and accumulated enormous wealth. In a world where most rarely left their villages and were always under the shadow of debt, famine, and conquest, Gaius Julius Caesar was privileged. Throughout Caesar’s life, he effective ...

The Life Of Charles Dickens
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... dockyard at Chatman. It was here that Charles Dickens' earliest and clearest memories were formed (Mankowitz 9-14). Charles' education included being taught at home by his mother, attending a Dame School at Chatman for a short time, and Wellington Academy in London. He was further educated by reading widely in the British Museum (Huffam). In late 1822, John was needed back at the London office, so they had to move to London. This gave Charles opportunities to walk around the town with his father and take in the sights, sounds, and smells of the area. This gave him early inspiration that he would use later on in his life when he started to write (Mankowitz 13 ...

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... his first competition, had the honor of competing against the great Aeschylus himself and defeated him taking first place. There would be many more plays to follow this accomplishment and would walk home with nothing less than a second place. , noted as being a talented actor, performed in many of his own plays. In one of his plays called, "The Woman Washing Clothes," he performed a juggling act that was talked about all over town for many years because the audience was so fascinated. But before you knew it was to take another route and end his acting career to venture elsewhere. For many years served as a dictated priest in the service of two heroes n ...

Octavian Augustus
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... the magistrates. The Senate was a group of former state officials, usually patricians, who acted as advisors, controlled public finances and handled all diplomatic dealings with other states. The assemblies were the various public meetings where citizens voted on laws and public office (Hanes 1997). Magistrates were the elected officials who put the laws into practice. The most important of these magistrates were the consuls. The two consuls, each elected for one year, acted as the chief executives of the state. Censors were also very important magistrates. Censors were elected every five years to take a census and record the wealth of the people. Censors also had ...

Hellen Nellie McClung: A Canadian Feminist
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... at Winnipeg Collegiate in 1893. She went on to teach at Hazel Public School near Manitou, Manitoba. We study Nellie McClung because she was an internationally celebrated feminist and social activist. Her success as a platform speaker was legendary. Her earliest success was achieved as a writer, and during her lengthy career she authored four novels, two novellas, three collections of short stories, a two- volume autobiography and various collections of speeches, articles and wartime writing, to a total of sixteen volumes. Two of her most famous books are: Clearing In The West and The Stream Runs Fast. All this served as a "pulpit" from which McClung could ...

Muhammad Ali - Cassius Clay
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... life destiny changed in an instant. Upon finding out that there was a police officer in the basement of a gym, Ali went down in a horrendous state of mind exclaiming a "state wide bike hunt (," and said he was going to beat up the person that sole his bike. The way his life changed was that the police officer asked him if he knew how to fight and he said "no." The policeman offered Ali lessons in how to box so that he could seek on the bike thief. This was the starting point in Muhammad Ali’s boxing career. In the late fifties, Cassius Clay rules Golden Gloves And the AAU national champion. A qui ...

Locke Vs. Locke
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... contrast the beliefs of John Locke and Karl Marx on the ideas of labor and property with their connections to the aspects of the human condition, as well as determine who holds the most feasible or fair account of property. To begin, Locke believes that property is not a "thing", rather, it is a relationship between an individual and an item. Property is a natural condition in John Locke’s state of nature, meaning it was present since the beginning. "Thus labor, in the beginning, gave a right of property, wherever anyone was pleased to employ it upon what was common, which remained a long while the far greater part, and is yet more than mankind makes use o ...

Horace Mann
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... our schools is almost the same as what prescribed it should be long ago. Mann wanted the common schools to be available to everyone. He wanted it to be available to people that were rich, poor, and of different backgrounds. Public schools try to be this today; they are free to everyone and nondiscriminatory. Mann believed in public support and control of schools. Mann thought that education was a right that was passed on from generation to generation. Denying children this right was horrible to Mann. Today in the United States, education of the public is seen as a right and is partaken in by countless young people every year. thought that if children were tau ...

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