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Essays on Science

Depression 2
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... that do get help can be helped to a significant degree (Salmans 75). Finally, in 1970, they saw depression as a disorder in young peoples (Stewart 8). Even babies can become depressed if they’re neglected. Many young people that suffer from depression turn to suicide. 5,000 young people take their lives each year (Stewart 9). The rate of suicide dealing with teenagers, 15-19, has tripled in the past 30 years (Salmans 40). Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among older teens (Stewart 9). Depression isn’t the only reason for suicide though. Depression has many effects on a person, both physically and mentally. Restlessness, irritability, frequent cryi ...

Acid Rain Legislation
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... more than local problems. Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) is released by fossil fuels when they undergo combustion. Power plants and other fossil fuel burning industrial areas release various forms of nitrous oxides (Nox). These two chemical compounds combine with the water in the atmosphere to form what is known as acid rain. The main reason that has prompted legislation of industrial emissions from governments is because of the negative effects they can have on the environment. Acid rain is harmful to the environment because of it's low pH. It can harm the biotic components of earth, and also the abiotic components. It's high acidity degrades soil to the point w ...

Depression The Sadness Disease
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... It is estimated that it costs the nation a sum of 43 billion dollars a year in medication, lost school days, lost workdays, and professional care for depression. Tens of thousands of people out of the 15 million attempts to commit suicide because of depression and about 16,000 of those people succeed. Depression loosely defined is a disorder marked by a state of deep and pervasive sadness, dejection and hopelessness, accompanied by feeling of fatigue apathy, and low self-worth (Bourne and Russo 1998 p. A-24). Though that seems like a very comprehensive definition it is characterized by many different symptoms to combine to one effect on the psyche. Dep ...

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... it mistakenly while experimenting with crude krypton, another noble gas. They were separating the elements in the crude krypton through a process called fractional distillation. In fractional distillation, the process separates two elements that have different boiling points. Basic-ally, when a sample is heated, the faster element leaves first, leaving the second element behind. Krypton was known to have a boiling point at a temperature that is lower than xenon. So the scientists could predict that heating the mixture would leave krypton in the container, while the faster boiling xenon leaving it. After the two scientists separated krypton and xenon, they id ...

Dangers And Destructions Of Floods And Hurricanes
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... height of the waves become three or more feet higher than the previous high tide. Coastal floods can be caused by a number of things. Coastal floods can be caused by runoff, hurricane waves, tsunami (seismic sea waves), and hurricane rains. Coastal flooding can not only take part on oceans but it can also take part on lakes. Coastal flooding can be a great danger because coast lines are very densely populated areas. In the United States in the early 1990's 50% of the population was on a coastal county.1 Although they shrink before reaching shore, wind generated waves have been spotted to be as high as 30 m (100 ft) in the middle of the ocean.2 In 1970 a major storm ...

Mechanical Energy
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... with oxygen from the air, they release their stored energy as heat. We recognize this process as burning. The individual relies on food for fuel which contains energy-giving substances that our bodies can store until we need this energy to use our muscles. When we do use our muscles within us, we may not always be sure that heat is given off. Our bodies do not burst into flames but the perspiration on our skin is a clue to what is happening. The movement of the windsurfer has a different explanation. The windsurfer is propelled along by a sail which collects mechanical energy from the winds that sweep along the water. This energy has been produced by the sun ...

Cannabis Sativa
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... is the most widespread drug in the world, if only hemp could be the most widespread crop in the world. Marijuana is a plant, with the botanical name of . Marijuana is a weed that grows wild and is cultivated in many parts of the world. Containing 419 chemicals, this plant has the ability to intoxicate its users, primarily because of the psychoactive mind altering ingredients called Delta - 9 - Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. It is the THC content found at various concentration in different parts of the plant, which determines the potency. The THC content is controlled by plant strain, climate, soil conditions, and harvesting, in 1975, the average confiscate ...

Great White Sharks
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... ground for the great white. The coastal waters along central California, especially around the Ano Nuevo State Reserve and along the Marin Headlands, are another common area for white sharks. In the summer the sharks move to the coasts of Oregon and occasionally the Gulf of Alaska, and in the fall, they turn south and move along the offshore islands. They are also found in great numbers in the Australian waters. The great white is a very agile killer that hunts mostly anything in the ocean. They are carnivorous and usually prey on sick or injured prey. Just one drop of blood can make the shark go into a feeding frenzy. It is not made ...

Origins And Bibliography Of The Big Bang Theory
Download This PaperWords: 3947 - Pages: 15

... And God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear." And it was so. (Gen. 1:9) - - - - Further reading: 1. John H. Schwartz, "Completing Einstein", SCIENCE 85, vol 6, pp 60-64, 1985. 2. Robert Palmer, "What's a Quark?", SCIENCE 85, VOL 6, pp 66-71, 1985 3. Bruce Schechter, "The Moment of Creation", DISCOVER, April 1983, pp 18-25. 4. Lawrence R. Sulak, "Waiting for the Proton to Decay", AMERICAN SCIENTIST, 70, 616-625, 1982. 5. Mary K. Gaillard, "Toward a Unified Picture of Elementary Particle Interactions", AMERICAN SCIENTIST 70, 506-514. ...

Chlamydial Infection
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... However, men and women with Chlamydia may experience abnormal genital discharge or pain during urination. These early symptoms may be mild. If symptoms occur, they usually appear within one or three weeks after exposure. Two of every three infected women and one or two of every four infected men have no symptoms whatsoever. As a result, often the disease may not be diagnosed and treated until complications develop. Doctors estimate that, in women, one third of the s result in PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease). Often these infections are not diagnosed until PID or other complications develop. In men, rarely, s may lead to pain or swelling in the scrotal area, ...

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