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Essays on Science

Le Virus Ebola (spanish Essay)
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... Il y a quatre different especes du virus d'Ebole. Trois, qui cause la maladie chez l'homme se sont: -cote d'Ebola-Zaire -d'Ebola-Sudan -d'Ebola-Ivory Le quatrieme virus est Ebola-Reston, a cause la maladie dans les primats non humains, mais pas chex l'homme. Il y a aussi le question, ou le virus d'Ebole se trouve? Les scientists, est medcins, ne savons pas. Il croien que le virus est devenu d'une centre serveru animal, comme un chauff souris, un souris est probablement un singe. L'origine exacte, les emplacements et l'habitat normal du virus d'Ebole rest inconnus. Comment Est ce-que le virus nous tuer? Cette question est la plus populair est ...

Oil Spills
Download This PaperWords: 1362 - Pages: 5

... substance. 11 million gallons of this black substance is everywhere and it is continuing to spread and spread. You see thousands of other birds with the same problem. You try to fly, but your wings are too heavy. You flap and flap but it is hopeless. Sinking to the bottom of the beautiful waters, you wonder what that sticky black killer was. It's simple. It's crude. It's oil. This scenario is nothing but a harsh reality that most people were unconcerned about until the disaster of the Exxon Valdez. The Valdez spill, tragically unnecessary though it was, has served as a laboratory for scientists, in which they can study the effects of oil pollution and e ...

Jaguars 2
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... live up to 22 years. The closest relative to the jaguar is the leopard. The cubs of the jaguar are born with no father. The father leaves the mother after they are through mating. When they are born, the cubs are blind and weigh from 25-32 ozs. At two weeks, once their eyes open, They can begin to explore outside of the den. At one month the cubs go go outside the den and follow their mother around. When six months comes and the cubs have learned how to do things the way their mother does, they begin to hunt with their mother. At one year the cubs can now hunt for their own food. Even though they can hunt for their own food they still stay with their mothe ...

Genetic Engineering
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... therapy, medical treatment, and eugenic therapy. Many people believe that genetic therapy is morally not right, but there are so many benefits for the world because of it. Some of scientist ideals of how to alter this new science to create the perfect human does in-fact sound crazy. But if was regulated to prevent such things the new science could bring wonders to many peoples lives. The first form of began with a man named Mendel, a monk in the late nineteenth century. He was the first to even formulate the concept of the gene from his experiments on pea plants. Since Mendel, other scientists have continued in agricultural engineering, a type of engineer ...

Genetic Faltering
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... conditions of the earth today, the use of genetics will further break down our fragile planet. As of 1998, many experiments have been done in the field of genetics, in the next section, I will discuss a few. First, genetics came into the public view in the early 1970’s when a scientist named Paul Berg began experimenting with a strain of E.coli bacteria called SV40. (Tagliaferro 69) This was the public beginning to the struggle surrounding genetics. Berg was not very intelligent about the way he conducted his tests, and he was forced to stop, until the National Institute of Health determined that SV40 was harmless to humans. (Tagliaferro 70) The next ...

Irrigating Crops With Seawater
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... Hugo Boyko and Elisabeth Boyko first used seawater agriculture after World War II. Many different crops have been tested such as barley and the date palm. The writers of this article however have been testing halophytes, which, is a salt-tolerant plant that can be used for food, forage and oilseed crops. They first gathered several hundred halophytes and began testing these plants in the desert of Puerto Peñasco. They irrigated the plants daily by flooding the fields with seawater from the Gulf of California. The best halophytes produced roughly the yield of alfalfa using freshwater irrigation. In order to show that these halophytes could replace other cr ...

Animal Experimentation
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... performed by Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), who revealed anatomical differences among animals by dissecting them (Rowan, 1984). The Greek physician Galen (A.D. 129-199) maintained that experimentation led to scientific progress and is said to have been the first to conduct demonstrations with live animals--specifically pigs-a practice later extended to other species and termed "vivisection" (Loew, 1982). However, it was not until the sixteenth century that many experiments on animals began to be recorded. In 1628, William Harvey published his work on the heart and the movement of blood in animals (French, 1975). In the 18OOs, when France became one of the leading cente ...

Iron And Rust
Download This PaperWords: 410 - Pages: 2

... method of the three but also is the most expensive. A good example of this method is stainless steel. (2) Coating the iron with a material that will react with the corroding substances more readily than the iron does which leads it to protect the iron from corroding. This method is also satisfactory but is also expensive. The most common example of this method is galvanizing, in which iron is covered with zinc. (3) Covering iron with an air proof and also a water proof substance. This method is the least expensive, therefore it is the most common. The forming of rust is known as a chemical reaction. A chemical reaction is defined as a process by whic ...

Mass And Science
Download This PaperWords: 690 - Pages: 3

... and nonliving things are made up of matter. Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Most matter on earth exists in three states: liquids, solids, and gas. All matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms. An atom is the smallest unit of matter that can exist and still be recognized. You and all the things around you are made of matter. Since we all live at the surface of the earth where the acceleration of gravity is relatively constant, it has been natural for us to confuse the concepts of mass and weight. To study the difference, we need to separate these two "parameters." We could either leave the earth's gravitational field so that we woul ...

B E C: The New Phase Of Matter
Download This PaperWords: 383 - Pages: 2

... the atoms to almost absolute zero. The graphic on the cover shows the Bose-Einstien condensation, where the atom's velocities peak at close to zero velocity, and the atoms slowly emerge from the condensate. The atoms were slowed to the low velocity by using laser beams. The hardware needed to create the BEC is a bargain at $50,000 to $1000,000 which makes it accessible to physics labs around the world. The next step is to test the new phase of matter. We do not know yet if it absorbs, reflects,or refracts light. BEC is related to superconductivity and may unlock some mysteries of why some minerals are able to conduct electricity without resistance. The asym ...

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