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Essays on Social Issues

Animal Cruelty
Download This PaperWords: 1084 - Pages: 4

... In 1988, 16, 989 animals died in laboratories in the United Kingdom. This was due to such tests as acute and chronic toxicity experiments, where the animals are forced to consume substances such as perfume, make-up and other beauty products and are often literally poisoned, their systems literally overloaded by the substance in question. Another testing method is the Lethal Dose 50 percent test or LD50. In this procedure at least half of the animals must die in order for the government to figure out how much a human can ingest without dying. In one such test some animals were fed 4. lb. of lipstick and one ended up dying of intestinal obstruction. In anoth ...

Cosmetic Testing On Animals
Download This PaperWords: 1712 - Pages: 7

... testing on cosmetics.(Issue 1) However, that act is no longer in effect, but companies continue to test on animals. There are several different types of tests used on animals each day. The two most common ones are the Draize Test and the LD50. The Draize test is an eye test named after a man by the name of John Draize. This test involves dropping a substance into an animal’s eye and watching the results.(All for Animals Newsletter, Issue 1) This test is usually preformed on albino rabbits, and it is done by clipping their eyes back. The painful results of this test include swelling of the eyelids, inflammation of the iris, ulceration, bleeding, blindness, and ...

Teens And The Price They Pay To Look Good
Download This PaperWords: 635 - Pages: 3

... "Tanning salons may call it 'healthful', 'beneficial', or 'sunshine under glass', but the radiation given off by even the newest tanning equipment can seriously harm the skin," said a researcher with Ohio State University Arthur G. James cancer hospital and research institute. Tanning beds surround your body with UV light. These beds emit two to three times the amount of UV light that reaches the earth outdoors. UV light has been linked to serious cases of malignant melanoma, and even to the weakening of the immune system. I understand that people like to look nice and want to improve their looks, but there are safer ways than these tanning machines. The ...

Violence In Televeision
Download This PaperWords: 494 - Pages: 2

... they watched Sesame street and Mr. Rogers ; the second group of second graders were sat in front of a television where they watched the Power Rangers and G.I. Joe. ii. After each program was over they sent the children out to play. The control group did not to seem to act out as much as the children who had watched the Power Rangers and G.I. Joe. The control group seemed to get along well with each other and played more with the toys. Where as the group of fourth graders who had watched the Power Rangers and G.I. Joe continued to act out the programs they had just watched with all the fighting,(kicking,punching,ect.). B. There was also another study done o ...

The Clinton Sex Scandal
Download This PaperWords: 4720 - Pages: 18

... of their power and prestigious rank, become exasperated because they cannot control the news media, even though they can to a large degree set the news agenda. Media has expanded in its presence, becoming widespread on the Internet, perhaps monopolizing the domain, by becoming more powerful and more used than written, televised or radio journalism. The Presidents' inability to control the press exposes their vulnerability and tends to question the actual power they can actually exert. All presidents, at some time or another, became frustrated at what they perceived as unfair treatment by the press, even while acknowledging its vital function in a free society, and m ...

Male Relations With Women
Download This PaperWords: 858 - Pages: 4

... He keeps telling her that he wants what is best for her, but yet he always adds that he knows it will be perfectly simple. In the midst of their conversation the man says, "If you don't want to you don't have to. I wouldn't have you do it if you don't want to. But I know it's perfectly simple." This tactic leaves the girl with all the guilt to deal with afterwards. If she does feel guilty afterwards, the man can say that he told her she did not have to, forgetting that he added after every sentence that he knew it would be perfectly simple. The man pretends that he does not care if the girl does not have the abortion, yet it is really very importa ...

Animal Testing: Testing....1....2...3
Download This PaperWords: 963 - Pages: 4

... of us. Such as transplants, vaccines, and medicine. Nearly each and every one of us today have received vaccine shots. We have all used medications. We have all heard of transplant technology. This above example I have used is farfetched. Brain transplants are not an everyday occurrence. They are not yet, at least. However, kidney and heart transplants are beginning to become a more and more common every day. Who knows what is possible with the proper research. Today there are a great deal of people who oppose animal testing in laboratory research. This is limiting our medical capabilities . Could we be holding ourselves back from medical breakthroughs ...

My Great-Grandmother Was Not A Person
Download This PaperWords: 634 - Pages: 3

... homestead, hunted food, fought natives, made clothes, cooked, cleaned, as well as the many manual labour jobs that men held. For example, women worked in coal mines, armories, and aided the war effort via the manufacturing industry, such as factorys. If this is what is determeined as equality then women were getting the short end of the stick and men were receiving all of the benifit. This perception still holds strong today, although not as strongly. Men said that women were to fragile to vote. Yet no man has ever experienced labor pains. Furthermore no man has fought any battle that was as hard as the one the famous five women have fought. The Election Act o ...

Sociological Theory: Positivistic, Interpretative, And Critical
Download This PaperWords: 1956 - Pages: 8

... positivistic theory is based on an ontology ofbeing a realist.The realistic slant of positivism is also known as determinism.The positivist knows that a reality is "out there" to be defined and categorized.The hard sciences from the time of Newton and Decartes have traditionally relied on the positivistic approach.The positivist hopes to be able to approximate "reality" in a detailed generalization or theory on how reality operates.The theories of a positivist generallytake the form of cause and effect laws describing the outside reality.Robert Merton defined these theorems as "clear verifiable statements of the relationships between specified var ...

Societies Scapegoat
Download This PaperWords: 1708 - Pages: 7

... confined world. The TV many times is identified as the cause of aggressive acts to avoid dealing with other underlying issues. Society today has an entire array of different afflictions that plague us from day to day. The television is of very little significance alongside the landfill of troubles that influence children today. Besides, trying to get networks to cut out violence and aggression entirely would be like trying to get Jesus Christ to write a top ten list of reasons why Christianity sucks. (It's not going to happen.) TV is not the reason that our youth courts are filled to capacity with court dockets so hideous you would swear that you were looking a ...

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