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Essays on Social Issues

School Uniform
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... and energy do I have to spend on this shopping…? Believe me, a lot! It would be better for my daughter and me, if we spent this time in a museum or a library. Clearly, parents would not waste time and money if all schools had a uniform requirement. A uniform helps students concentrate on their schoolwork and instills discipline in pupils. Two groups of students were compared. Each of the groups had 1000 pupils. Group "A" consisted of students that had a policy. Group "B" did not. After they took the same test, group "A" got 15% higher grades than group "B". This study shows that uniforms improve grades in school. Every time children who don't have rich parents ...

The Effects On Children When Both Parents Are Employed
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... the home. (Jarman and Howlett 95) In 1986, only 53% of all two parent families were dual wage families, but by 1996 nearly75% of all families were dual earning families. (Ramu 26) In light of the fact that the majority of two parent families in the 1990's have also become dual wage earning families, it is important to examine the effects of such a phenomenon on society in general and on child rearing in particular. Children acquire their goals, values and norms based on the way that they view or identify with their parents as well as from the quality and amount of care, love and guidance given to them by their parents. Parents who work present a different image ...

Serial Killers, The Minds, The Methods, The Madness
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... According to Schechter and Everitt, “credit for the phrase ‘serial killer’ goes to Special Agent Robert K. Ressler” (70). Ressler was one of the pioneers of the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit. “While of the participants referred to ‘crimes in series’...Ressler began using a variation- ‘serial killers’...”(70). Murder has always been a part of society, and serial murder has always existed. The terminology used to describe this most heinous of crimes, however has changed over centuries. Four hundred years ago, killers in the European countryside were referred to as lyncanthropes, a Greek word meaning wolf-man. An Italian physician named Cesare Lo ...

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... of are afforded public officials and other prominent persons considered to be "public figures," as defined by law. In U.S. constitutional law a right of is commonly regarded as created by provisions of the Constitution, particularly the First, Fourth, and Fifth amendments. The Fourth Amendment prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures; the First and Fifth include protections in that they focus not on what the government may do but rather on the individual's freedom to be autonomous. The rights of were initially interpreted to include only protection against tangible intrusions resulting in measurable injury. After publication of an influential art ...

Race Relations
Download This PaperWords: 2420 - Pages: 9

... treatment because of their race. However, President Clinton and several organizations -- including the National Multicultural Institute, whose main focus is to "sort out the jumble of expectations and fears that swirl around the initiative's struggle to reconcile ethnicity and difference with the notion of one American nation" (Green, 1998; PG) -- are pushing hard to mend racial tension with a comprehensive program that is designed to bring all races together. Will it work? Or will minorities look upon the effort as nothing more than a Band-Aid covering a much larger issue? To some extent, concepts such as affirmative action have their place in society, yet the ...

What Is Stupidity?
Download This PaperWords: 337 - Pages: 2

... plain old “Dumb”. If you ask some other people, they might just use the word to call someone when the've mad a dumb mistake. In any case, it involves being dumb. If you are scientist, english teacher, or psychiatrist, the word stupid would be a little different. If your occupation were mentioned above, your interpretation might be simular to the dictionarys: “Stupidity: 1:Lack of intelligence; dullness. 2: a foolish act or idea.”. The word “Stupid” would used differently than most commoners. It would be used less than an insult but refer to something somewhat more in a serious manner. For example, saying that someone is stupid, would mean that they are mentally cha ...

There Seems To Be A Need For Violence In Society!
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... maybe because it is a multi-milion dollar business? The scenery of boxing is broken bones, black and blue faces, blood...The more severe the fight the more exited and happy the audience seems to be. Violence simply stimulates people. Big glory comes when one passes out! is the hero! What is the message here? It is, we will like you more since you are physically stronger, and we will respect you because we are afraid of you. That is again, a wrong message. Violence is glorified the most throught media, violent movies, TV shows and newspaper sensationalism. Violent movies are born one after another: "Die Hard","The God Father", "Natural Bo ...

Same Sex Parents
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... involved. Therefore, I find it unnecessary to restrict their rights and desires to adopt and raise children in families just as you or I would. An adoption agency looks for good qualities in a foster home. Qualities such as financially security, emotional stability, and “proper” role models. Judge Judith S. Kaye wrote that “...adoption is a means of securing the best possible home for a child” (Facts on File 894). Some might argue that the child would be lacking the father in a lesbian couple and a mother in a gay couple. Sure, little Joey might not have a male role-model around the house, but all the kids raised by single mothers seem to be okay. ...

Correctly Political: A Look Into The Dynamics Of Political Correctness
Download This PaperWords: 1668 - Pages: 7

... of inclusive speech, advocacy of nonracist, nonageist, nonsexist terminology, and insistence on affirmative action policies, avoidance of Eurocentrism as reflected in a “traditional” canon of literature, acceptance of multiculturalism as a valued feature of American society, and dismantling hierarchy as controlled by a white male power structure. (Hoover and Howard 963) In a nutshell, political correctness is an attempt at changing the way we look at things. The goal is to be respectful of all people and cultures. Unfortunately, in the process of fostering understanding, the culture and ideas that are presently embraced must be discredited and virtually des ...

Are Females More Observant And Critical?
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... style that I composed is used to get reactions, whether reactions be good or bad it will help to determine that of different sexes reactions as well as their memories. Memory is a huge roll in this project, it is an important part because of the use of short term memory. The short term memory will also lead to the stereotype of males and females. The short term memory links into observation as a huge component to judgment also. Different ages of these two sexes may or may not actually have any effect on their awareness skills, or memory skills. Although some young children may have a hard time actually remembering certain facts, that does necessarily mean ...

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