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Essays on World History

The Holocaust: Tragedy In The 20th Century
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... ninety percent of the Jewish population in Europe was destroyed, and for what? Their lives were taken because Adolf Hitler believed that being Jewish was a crime. How can one man decide that he is more worthy that others because of their religious beliefs or the color of their hair. He lifted himself above others and decided who should live and who should die, and for that crime he remained unpunished. Those who have survived the holocaust have firsthand knowledge of the evil people, which so unfairly struck and deprived them of what was rightly theirs. To refer to the holocaust as a “monstrous, inhumane event” is to miss the point. The Holocaust was impos ...

Battle Of Gettysburg 2
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... South. On July 1, 1863 shots were fired outside Gettysburg that marked the beginning of what would become one of the largest and most significant battle in the world. After a Confederate victory at Chancellorsville, General Robert E. Lee divided his army into three different corps. Corp I was under the command of General James Longstreet, Corp II under General R.S. Ewell, and Corp III under General A.P. Hill. Before he decided to move North, Lee sent one of his Generals, Jeb Stuart into Union territory to get information on the Union army. Knowing it was a risky task; Stuart proceeded as Lee’s eyes and ears. Jeb Stuart was sent to invade was sent to ta ...

The Toltecs, Aztecs, And Mayans
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... The Aztec society had four main classes nobles, commoners, serfs, and slaves. The typical Aztec household consisted of a husband and wife, their unmarried children, and a number of the husbands relative s. Boys were educated by their father until aboutn 10 years of age. The Aztecs married at an early age, women at about 16, men at about 20. Warfare was considered a religious duty by the Aztecs. They fought not only to enlarge their empire but also to take prisoners to sacrifice to the gods. The market place was a major center of Aztec life, more than 60,000 people visited it daily. They had no system of money, they traded goods and services for other good ...

Bubonic Plague
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... India. Colonies of infected rats were established in Northern India, many years ago. Some of these rodents had infected traders on the route between the Middle East and China. After 1330 the plague had invaded China. From China it was transferred westward by traders and Mongol armies in the 14th century. While these traders were travelling westward they followed a more northerly route through the grasslands of what is now Russia, establishing a vast infected rodent population there. In 1346 the disease reached Crimea and found its way to Europe in 1347. The outbreak in Europe was a devastating one, which resulted in more than 25 million deaths-about twenty five perc ...

Canadian Confederation
Download This PaperWords: 3829 - Pages: 14

... possibility of a Maritime union for many years. Lieutenant Governor Arthur Hamilton Gordon and Leonard Tilley of New Brunswick, Premier Charles Tupper of Nova Scotia and Colonel Gray and W.H Pope of Prince Edward Island were all advocates of the concept of maritime union for solutions to the problems which they were encountering.2 Trade was important to the Maritimes. Up to 1846 Britain had provided the British North American colonies with a market for their goods, but then began a policy of free trade. Because there were no tariffs placed on any country the colonies lost a sure market for their goods. Many colonists were concerned that some might consider unio ...

Britain And Europe In The Seve
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... of the main questions that Dr. Jones considered when writing this book was why this relation was later reversed. In looking at this period as a whole there is a clear contrast between Britain’s isolation and unimportance in European affairs at the beginning of the seventeenth century, and Britain’s full involvement as a major influence after 1688. This involves intellectual and political matters. European intellectual developments during the first part of the century did not significantly affect the main part of English life, and English influences on Europe were negligible. The only groups interested in developments in Europe were minorities who w ...

Hitler And The Nazi Party
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... which characterised the Weimar Republic (inflation). The Democrats were reasonable and well-meaning men, representing the inflation impoverished middle class and business. They relied on chronic credit inflation (which put them more and more into debt. The Germans were also upset by the loss of World War 1, but the thing that made them the maddest, is the punishment enforced on them as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. Such as redistribution of territory, reduction of Germany's fighting power and imposition of harsh conditions, which meant Germany had to pay 6600 million-pound to the Allies in 1921. Germany thought that the punishment was too harsh. The ...

The Hundred Years' War
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... years of constant battle; there were periods of truces in between. One cause for was the claim to the French throne. The conflict began when the direct line of succession died without a male heir and the nobles decided to pass the crown to a cousin, Philip of Valois. But this left two other male cousins equally deserving of the crown; Charles, King of Navarre and Edward III, King of England.Edward III claimed that he himself was deserving of the throne because his mother was the sister of the late French king, while Philip VI was only a cousin. But according to French law, no women could inherit the throne, nor could the crown be inherited through a woman. ...

Causes Of The Civil War 3
Download This PaperWords: 1709 - Pages: 7

... other then the slavery issue, that the South disagreed on and that persuaded them to succeed from the Union. Basically the North favored a loose interpretation of the United States Constitution. They wanted to grant the federal government increased powers. The South wanted to reserve all undefined powers to the individual states. The North also wanted internal improvements sponsored by the federal government. This was more roads, railroads, and canals. The South, on the other hand, did not want these projects to be done at all. Also the North wanted to develop a tariff. With a high tariff, it protected the northern manufacturer. It was bad for the South becau ...

Buddhism 4
Download This PaperWords: 1183 - Pages: 5

... mindfulness which is the foundation of the practice. Concentration stills the mind and reduces impulses and emotions. Its the same as tying the rope around a post and then tying the money to it. It does not matter how much the monkey struggles, he will have to stay within the limits of his bounds. As he is tied with the rope, he can only go back to the same spot again. The only chance for him to stop is when he is exhausted. When we fallow the movement of our mind, it is like watching the monkey. We do not have to become the animal, we just sit and watch him. Stay still, do not struggle like him. If we struggle like him, we will turn into a monkey and wi ...

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