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Essays on World History

Gulf War
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... from Kuwait into the Persian Gulf because he couldn’t sell it due to embargoes. This was an immediate threat to the environment. Hussein alone is a very dangerous man and one of the missions of the war was to kill him. However, we were unsuccessful, and today he is a huge threat. Hussein’s control of Kuwait affected the U.S. economically. All of Kuwait’s oil was in Hussein’s power and the U.S. was unable to trade with him because of sanctions. Therefore, oil based product prices raised 50 percent due to the lack of oil and a high demand for it. The U.S. was also giving financial aid to the Middle East to help drive out Hussein. These attempts were hopeless which ga ...

Reasons For The Salem Witch Tr
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... not allowed to do anything that even feigned enjoyment. They did not celebrate Christmas, and any day off was just one more day to focus on prayer. What kind of life is this for an adult? They lived in a world full of irony, with heavy wool pulled over their eyes. They were forced to attend church to prove to the people they were one of the elect, chosen ones, who were predetermined to go to heaven. The reverend was corrupt and wanted the laity to buy him lavish gifts and a mansion. Preachers should not conduct themselves in this manner, for they are men after God's own heart not men after worldly possessions. The people were also watched like dogs and any problems ...

American Hawaii
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... are lost in history books. America dominated over the Hawaiians just as they did with the Native Americans. The Hawaiians didn’t even stand a chance against big brother. They probably feel the same way towards America just as a child does with stubborn parents. Now I will tell you about the history of Hawaii so you will see how the United States came to annex Hawaii. Hawaii was first inhabited by the Polynesians. They came in canoes from other islands around the pacific. They called the new found island "Hawaii", which means "home" in Polynesian language. Hawaii was their home until the white man came in and took advantage of these simple, happy aborigi ...

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... into the program in an effort to get them to work collectively to combine all of their skills. Secondly, the students were to design everyday objects as works of art. This would advance modern art into the sense of functional design. The third goal was to maintain contact with the leaders of industry so the students could be their consultants. Ilkka Huovio stated in , The New Man - The New Technique that "The idealistic basis of was a socially orientate programme. An artist must be conscious of his social responsibility to the community. On the other hand the community has to accept the artist and support him" The movement achieved their believed res ...

American Revolution - Causes
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... for self-autonomy. This small fire of anger will become a huge conflagration as the rights are slowly rescinded. On October 19, 1765 the Stamp Act Congress and Parliamentary Taxation Committee's passed some laws that attempted to strengthen the grip of the English crown. "I. That his Majesty's subjects in these colonies, owe the same allegiance to the Crown of Great Britain that is owing from his subjects born within the realm, and all due subordination to that august body, the Parliament of Great Britain." This statement can be used as a summation of the entire document that the Stamp Act Congress had initiated. The statement depicts the colonists has h ...

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... The second term not often herd but, still is used is H-hour. H-hour is the hour that is supposed to start. H-hour for the three Normandy invasion sites were varied, because of weather, as much as eighty-five minutes. (1-3) The third term used is Overload. Which was the code name for the entire Allied plot to invade and free France and Western Europe. (1-4) The fourth term used when talking about is Neptune. Neptune stood for the first phase of Operation Overload. Which was the planning of the Normandy assault, the movement of the armada across the English Channel, and the battle for the beaches. (1-5) The fifth term sometimes used when talking about is Th ...

The Invasion Of Spain
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... lieutenant, Duke Bernhard. with one division, entered Spain by the coast. Charles himself marched through the mountain passes straight to Pampelona. But the emissary of Abderrahman assassinated Ibn-el-Arabi, who had prematurely brought on his army of Berbers,, and though Pampelona was razed, and Barcelona and other cities fell, Saragossa held out. Apart from the moral effect of this campaign upon the Moslem rulers of Spain, its result was insignificant, though the famous ambuscade in which perished Roland, the great Paladin, at the Pass of Roncesvalles, furnished to the medieval world the material for its most glorious and influential epic, the "Chanson de Roland" ...

Vietnamization (Real Version)
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... agreed on at the peace talks. On December 13, 1974 North Vietnam had started the invasion on the south. By April 30th, 1976, North Vietnamese tanks had occupied Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, with no trouble, and an evacuation began (see picture 1 & 2). On July 2nd, 1976, the country was united as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (“Vietnam War”). If the U.S. had stayed to finish the Vietnamization, there might have been a South Vietnam today. I feel that the U.S. should have never been involved in the war in the first place, however, under the unavoidable circumstances we should have stayed in South Vietnam and helped the country defend themselves on somethi ...

Brown Vs Edu
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... of the 14th Amendment prohibit racial segregation in the public schools? It was not until the late 1940's that the Court began to insist on equality of treatment, but it did not squarely face the constitutionality of the "separate but equal" doctrine until it decided the Brown case. In a brief, unanimous opinion delivered by Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Court declared that: "separate education facilities are inherently unequal" and that racial segregation violates the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. In a moving passage, the chief justice argued that separating children in the schools solely on racial grounds "generates a felling of inferiority as to ...

"Restore The Emperor Expel The Barbarians": The Causes Of The Showa Restoration
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... The transition that Japan made from its parliamentary government of the 1920's to the Showa Restoration and military dictatorship of the late 1930s was not a sudden transformation. Liberal forces were not toppled by a coup overnight. Instead, it was gradual, feed by a complex combination of internal and external factors. The history that links the constitutional settlement of 1889 to the Showa Restoration in the 1930s is not an easy story to relate. The transformation in Japan's governmental structure involved; the historical period between 1868 and 1912 that preceded the Showa Restoration. This period of democratic reforms was an underlying caus ...

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