The Trancontinental Railroad
... absurd. In 1832, Dr. Hartwell Carver of Rochester proposed a railroad that would connect the East Coast to the West Coast, and lawmakers laughed at him. Again, in 1838, another man by the name of John Plum sent a petition to Washington asking the government to fund a Transcontinental Railroad. Congress said that, asking the government “To build a railroad to the moon” was impractical (Blumberg 11). In 1845, Asa Whitney changed the government’s mind about constructing a railroad. He proposed a plan for the federal
Higgins 2
government to fund a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Whitney was motivated by frustration. It took months to ge ...
Chuck Close
... want to make Pop posters of famous people. liked to use a grid method where he drew each portion of the paintings on a grid, block for block making near perfect replicas of the photo or he would make abstract pictures.
Linda is a very realistic piece made with acrylic and pencil on canvas. Close drew it exactly as a photo very clear around the face, eyes, nose, and mouth. However the outside of the hair, the cheek, the neck and below are all blurred. Just as in a photo. Linda is a middle age woman with brown curly hair and lots of make up. There are very thin lines everywhere in no specific direction, lots used under the eyes. Color is used a lot, there's red t ...
... on the U.S. Government who
lied, cheated, and stole from the Oglala forcing Crazy Horse, the
great war chief, and many other leaders to surrender their nation in
order to save the lives of their people.
In the nineteenth century the most dominant nation in the western
plains was the Sioux Nation. This nation was divided into seven
tribes: Oglala’s, Brule’, Minneconjou, Hunkpapa, No Bow, Two Kettle,
and the Blackfoot. Of these tribes they had different band. The
Hunkpatila was one band of the Oglala’s (Guttmacher 12). One of the
greatest war chiefs of all times came from this band. His name was
Crazy Horse.
Crazy Horse was not given this name, on h ...
New York Times Co. V. United S
... The Times published these papers bit
by bit until the Nixon administration sought an injunction on the Times to
stop publication. The Supreme Court found that the First Amendment did not
permit an injunction against the Times.
The issue here is weather or not
the First Amendment applies to federal papers, and weather prior restraint
is unconstitutional. Also, can the government seek an injunction on a press
to halt publication of such documents, even in cases of national security.
The Supreme Court Ruled 6-3 in favor of the New York Times, saying that
the First Amendment did not permit an injunction against the press. The Court
found that the Governme ...
Rabindranath Tagore
... In 1878, after a brief stay in England, he returned to India where he quickly became the most important and popular author of the colonial era. He wrote poetry, short stories, novels, and plays. His Collected Poems and Plays was published in 1966. He also composed several hundred popular songs. In 1929 he also began painting.
was a dedicated internationalist and educator. He established a school in 1901 in his estate in Bengal. He did this to teach a blend of eastern and western philosophies. His school was expanded into an international university in 1921 called Visva-Bharati. He also lectured and traveled throughout the world.
wrote primarily in Be ...
Cold War Propaganda
... a side and they would use the country as a battle ground. This was the only actual fighting that occurred.
The Cuban missile crisis was an important event that took place during the cold war. In the Cuban missile crisis, America was fearing that The Soviet Union had certain missile instalations in Cuba . The U.S found out about these missile installments from satellite imagery that showed the missiles being transported to Cuba and show the missile sites inside Cuba. "With Castro's approval, the Soviet Union began building secret missile bases in Cuba. On October 16, President Kennedy was shown photographs of the missile installations in Cuba." (Rawnsley, 7) On ...
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
... this had occurred the end of the old republic was heralded an autocratic dictatorship was born. The republic was born out of a collapsed monarchy and was specifically geared to prevent a centralization of power. The mechanisms to this end were contained in the Cursus Honorum, a document that outlined the ladder of offices. It demanded, among other things, 10 years of military or legal service before any magistracy could be held, annual election and two years between consecutive offices. This system was designed to ensure that no individual could become too powerful by dividing jurisdiction between several groups and allowing for veto. The Gracchi brothers, Tiberiu ...
Cold War
... it must do everything in its power to uphold containment and save it’s peoples way of life. Another theory that soon surfaced that was related to the containment theory was the domino theory, which stated that as one small country fell to communism, surrounding small countries would also fall to communism rapidly.
In the spirit of containment, strongly supported by President Harry Truman, was the main driving force behind the Korean War. Along with containment as a force was American Pride. After World War II and after Japanese occupation, Soviet troops moved in to North Korea, and the US moved in to South Korea. Each setup and supported its own government, and e ...
The Life Of Mahatma Ghandi
... out in days and nights of nursing whenever there was sickness in the family. Mohandas grew up in a home steeped in Vaishnavism (Vaisnavism)--worship of the Hindu god Vishnu (Visnu)--with a strong tinge of Jainism, a morally rigorous Indian religion, whose chief tenets are nonviolence and the belief that everything in the universe is eternal. Thus he took for granted ahimsa (noninjury to all living beings), vegetarianism, fasting for self-purification, and mutual tolerance between adherents of various creeds and sects. (see also Index: ahimsa, or ahimsa)
The educational facilities at Porbandar were rudimentary; in the primary school that Mohandas attend ...
Tupac Amaru And The Comunero Revolt
... been forgone?
When we, modern society members, think of a revolution we immediately imagine bloodshed. What ever the reason behind it might be, we generally don't acknowledge it as much as the carnage and slaughter we are all so use to reding in history books. For an eighteenth-century rebel perhaps, a revolution is more than the actual war in the battlefield. Although it might be a very important facet of it, the physical is but an outcome of ideas and energy that has been building up for years previous to the confrontation. So if the answer to that is a "yes", if indeed an opposing philosophy must go through a series of 'degrees', before it has be ...
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