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Essays on World History

Hong Kong Transferring Hands
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... Basic Law, which will guide the Special Administrative Region, and the Constitution of the United States of America. I choose to compare the Basic law to these two governments, thinking that most people didn’t realize how similar the new and old system in Hong Kong really were. Also upon reading the Basic Law I was struck by the similarities with our own constitution. It is when you read further into the Basic law that you discover how different the system of governments in the United States of America and the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong are. I also plan to give perspectives of people living in Hong Kong a year after the handover. It is my desire ...

Authoritarian Government In Ge
Download This PaperWords: 334 - Pages: 2

... style in the new nation we all know as Germany. Bismark convinced Germans they were all united only after more land and resources were needed for Bismark's endeavors than Prussia could possibly supply. Therefore this shows how he sculpted his way into making the people believe they had say and actually covered all the necessary clauses in an ingenious plan to run the country with a strong, relentless, but unrecognizable hand. He tricked the Germans into believing everything he did was with good intent with them the people in mind. This was obvious not to be the case as we now look back and see how every one of his strategic moves, although attractive on the ou ...

Atomic Bomb
Download This PaperWords: 3011 - Pages: 11

... Hiroshima affected both United States and world history forever, and has made the change in military warfare uncanny. No doubt, August 6, 1945 began as any other day. Before it had ended, something dramatic occurred that would change the way nations dealt with each other- perhaps for all time. On this day at 8:15 A.M, the Enola gay- a B-29 superfortress opened its bomb bay doors over Hiroshima, at the time, a military center and the seventh largest city in Japan, and dropped a single weapon with a destructive capacity of biblical proportions. The crew on board and the team of scientists who developed the bomb were not sure whether the weapon would deto ...

The Archaeological Sites In The Aegean
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... the Minos Kalokairionos in 1878. Several people attempted to continue excavations. In 1898 Crete became an independent state with Prince George as a Governor General. A law was established that said all of ancient material of the island was property of the state. Therefor, in 1900 Sir Arthur Evens began further excavations. A Brief Look at Ancient Greece, was another source we used. It says that in the late 1800’s Scholars thought Greek history could only be traced back to 776BC ( the first day of the Olympics.) In this we also found that "To understand ancient Greece, you have to understand the regional perspective, to the east are Egypt, Syria, Palestine, th ...

The Aztec Empire History
Download This PaperWords: 1274 - Pages: 5

... year 1325 their capital city was finished. They called it Tenochtitlan. In the capital city, aqueducts were constructed, bridges were built, and chinapas were made. Chinapas were little islands formed by pilled up mud. On these chinapas Aztecs grew their food. The Aztec Empire included many cities and towns, especially in the Valley of Mexico. The early settlers built log rafts, then covered them with mud and planted seeds to create roots and develop more solid land for building homes in this marshy land. Canals were also cut out through the marsh so that a typical Aztec home had its back to a canal with a canoe tied at the door. In the early 1400s, Tenochtitlan joi ...

Spanish Settlement Of The West
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... they had was the idea of "Manifest Destiny." Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States had the right to expand westward to the Pacific ocean. On the other hand, Mexico was a new country wanting to protect itself from outside powers. Evidence of U.S. expansion is seen with the independence of Texas from Mexico. The strongest evidence of U.S. expansion goals is with the Mexican-American War. From the beginning, the war was conceived as an opportunity for land expansion. Mexico feared the United States expansion goals. During the 16th century, the Spanish began to settle the region. The Spanish had all ready conquered and settled Central Mexic ...

Is The Bible From God
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... during famine. It was to the people of this harsh age that the Bible was first written. In New Testament times, slave labor was foundational to the economy of the Roman empire. About a third of the population were slaves. If the writers of the New Testament had attacked the institution of slavery directly, the gospel would have been identified with a radical political cause at a time when the abolition of slavery was unthinkable. To directly appeal for the freeing of slaves would have been inflammatory and a direct threat to the social order. (1) Consequently, the New Testament acknowledged slavery's existence, instructing both Christian masters and slaves ...

Economics Of Eisenhower
Download This PaperWords: 1891 - Pages: 7

... days was that of the Fair Deal domestic program. Although Truman found much opposition to his programs in Congress he managed to get several things done. Such as a public housing bill, an expansion of social security coverage, and increased minimum wages. The Republican party was not in favor of the majority of this legislation. Thus when Eisenhower was elected they immediately made plans for cutbacks in the spending on these programs. Unfortunately for them the newly elected president was not opposed to the programs Truman had began and improved upon. Over the course of his administration Eisenhower often did not hold the same opinions as some of the ...

Confucianism, Daoism And Legal
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... common grounds. On the other hand, Legalism goes on to take a more unique approach which was much different from the previous two. Kongzi (Confucius, a Latinized name) was born in 551 B.C.E., to a poor family of the lower nobility. Throughout his life, he relentlessly tried to gain an office with a prominent ruler of the time who was willing to adopt his various concepts. Unfortunately, Confucius died in 479 B.C.E., before such a change ever took place. However, he succeeded in winning over a handful of devote followers who continued his legacy and Confucianism later went on to become one of the most influential thought systems of Chinese history. Of his foll ...

How World Conflict Start
Download This PaperWords: 695 - Pages: 3

... responsible for my action and dedicated to the principles which made my country free, I will trust in my God and the United States of America." So basically Serbia was protecting it's people for what the nation though was right. I mean, in my opinion, If I shot Hussain or Melosavitch(spell?) U.S. Government would probably not turn me in. Even if they say that they do not participate in assassination, because of the Geneva Convention. This almost or is the same with Serbian at that time. They protect there people because they do not want to punish a nationalist just because he was being patriotic. They probably shot Austria-Hungry leader, because the plan ...

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