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Essays on English

Faulkner Vs McCarthy
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... their plantation if they had not gone out to hunt down Grumby. Killing the murderer was the only type of justice served and accepted in society back then. John Grady Cole felt a great load of pressure on himself for Blevins’ death, and he knew it would be everlasting if he did not avenge Blevins’ death. John sets out with a passion to kill the captain and regain the horses, but realizes that the captain will have a tougher time staying alive and John let’s him go. This relieves the tension that Blevins’ death caused. Honor towards family plays one of the most important roles in The Unvanquished as well as in All The Pretty Horses. Bayard must honor his family ...

Hills Like White Elephants
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... much meaning as any short story that I have read. The man and the woman are at a train station haveing a altercation about weather or not she should get a abortion. She does not want to. It is ovious in the things she says to the man. She says "I dont't care about me. And then I'll do it and everything will be fine"(1). She is saying that she only cares about him, and dose not care about herself. If she did care about herself, then she definatly would not get a abortion. She can not just tell him straight out that she wants to have this baby. The woman is so in love with the man, that she is willing to take the life of her unborn child. The man is in love with ...

Digging By Seamus Heaney
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... have turf bogs. Since Seamus Heaney is Irish there is an obvious link to his country. When the poet writes about his Grandfather he implies that there used to be a lot of turf cutters in his day. ‘My Grandfather cut more turf in a day than any other man on Toners bog.’ In that line there is a lot of pride on the part of the Grandson. The line also implies that there used to be a lot of turf-cutters in his day. So when Heaney writes, ‘But I’ve no spade to follow men like them.’ This could be because of a number of reasons; one could be that he just doesn’t want to be a turf digger. He might not find it mentally stimulating enough. But he shows a lot of pride ...

Godlike Odysseus
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... or mortal, but a mortal little kid. The next time I noticed Odysseus acting like a human or mortal, was in the story of "Scylla and Charybdis" when Scylla ate some of his men. Odysseus at that time, lost what he thought, were his best men, he said that it was one of the saddest things he's seen: "As he, if then he takes a fish,/ Flings it aloft out of the sea/ All quivering, even so she swung them/ All quivering up to her high crag./ There she devoured them, one and all,/ Before her doorway, while they shrieked/ And still stretched out their hands to me/ In dying agony. that sight/ Was the saddest sight my eyes/ have ever seen, while through sore trials/ I wander ...

Comparison Of The Odessey And
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... dependent on them, and fear their all mighty hand. The story of The Iliad, deals with two armies, the Achaeans and the Trojans. In the war, the Achaians are trying to sack the city of Troy. The Trojans, the defenders of the city, are led by the powerful warriors Hector and Paris, while the Achaeans are led by Agamemnon, Achilles, Odysseus and several other powerful men. The story concludes with the Achaeans on the verge of sacking Troy because their greatest warrior, Hector, died by the hand of Achilles. The Odyssey is the story of Odysseus’s homeward journey after the Trojan War. Odysseus was afflicted with suffering on his homeward voyage, because h ...

Through The Tunnel
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... goes completely under the English Channel. When people board the train in one country, they soon emerge in a totally different country with different customs and beliefs. In the story, the boy begins on one side of the tunnel with all of his fears and beliefs of a child. However, as he improves his swimming skills, he develops the confidence to swim . He exits this tunnel with new beliefs. He is now a man. The story uses the tunnel to represent burdens or challenges needed to achieve some goal. In the story, it was necessary to make safe passage . The young boy had to control his breathing. He had to hold his breath. He had to adjust to the water's pressu ...

Grapes Of Wrath - Censorship
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... libraries in September 1939. Vulgarity may be prevalent in the book, but it has its purpose. Steinbeck used some vulgar terms to accurately represent the lingo and slang that was used by the people of the 1930's. Most of the terms that were considered vulgar may be a bit distasteful, but is nothing that is not heard on the streets today. Extreme profanity is not extraneous in the novel, in fact, it is tame compared to slang terms used today. Casy, the former preacher that was traveling with the Joads, is not be given the connotation as the most holy man. Casy did not consider himself a minister at the time The Grapes of Wrath takes place. "But I ain't a preacher ...

Inexcusable Acts In Literature
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... Boccaccio's Decameron, "Tenth Day, Tenth Story", the main character, Gualtieri wants to test his new wife to see how loyal she is to him. In the beginning of the play, it is portrayed to the readers that Gualtieri is a very well respected, moral man. After being told that it is nessecary to find a wife, Gualtieri states, "I will do as you request and so shall I have only myself to blame if things turn out badly, I want to be the one who chooses her, and I tell you now that if she is not honored by you as your will learn to your displeasure how serious a matter it was to compel me with your requests..." (Boccaccio 135). From this statement Gualtieri ...

The Upstairs Room
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... hair and dress like a boy to go. When they got to Usselo she met Dini Hannink, they went to her house together. They stayed there for about to two weeks. Then they had to go to the Oostervelds. They were really nice people. Johan was a farmer, Dientje, and Opoe (Johan’s mother). They were supposed to stay there for at least a week because Mr. Hannink thought a German followed him. Annie’s legs were getting crooked and couldn’t walk that much so she had to exercise. She really hated to do that. After a year and a half they haven’t even seen how the house looked. And Sini really wanted a tan. So Johan let them go out. He was going to pick th ...

Miadventures Of Don Quixote
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... was a wealthy, intelligent farmer who read too many books about knight-errantry and went crazy. He convinced a simple-minded peasant named Sancho to become his squire, promising him wealth and a high spot in society. This book consists of many adventures these two had, both were convinced that they were doing brave and honorable acts of chivalry, when they were only two fools running around the countryside. Cervantes tries to make his book more interesting with the use of point of view. Don Quixote sees what his mind and imagination create, not that which is transferred through the optic nerves in a very clean-cut scientific manner. He retreats to a world that holds ...

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