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Casablanca Movie Review
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... The main stars of the film were Ingrid Berman as Elsa Laslow, Humphry Bogart as Rick, and Paul Henreid as Victor Laslow. Another major character was not listed as an actor in the credits at the time because he was an African-American. His name was Dooley Wilson, who played Sam, the piano player. Secondary characters were: Sydney Greenstreet as Mr. Ferrari, Peter Lorré as Ugaté, and Conrad Viedt as Major Estassa. The lighting and camera work in the movie could be described as nothing short of amazing. Because it was a black and white film, it was extremly important, because It set the mood so well. I believe that because of the filming of the movie ...

Hamlet Character Analysis Of K
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... of the marriage. By receiving the court’s acceptance of him as King, Claudius can proceed to comfortably reign and carry out the affairs of the state of Denmark. He continues on with his speech to discuss the plans that he has developed to remedy a situation that is brewing with Young Fortinbrau. Claudius demonstrates great strategic planning skills by diverting Young Fortinbrau’s revenge on Denmark and it’s citizens. The Fortinbrau issue helps Claudius to prove to the court that he is “most immediate to the throne”. Claudius also takes advantage of this opportunity for his own self-promotion. Claudius had successfully gained ...

William Shakespeare
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... spread of dramatic representation of such important events as the angel's announcement of the resurrection to the women at the tomb of Christ.The Renaissance drama proper rose from this late medieval base by a number of different stages ending about 1580. A large number of comedies, tragedies, and examples of intermediate types were produced for London theaters between that year and 1642, when the London theaters were closed by order of the Puritan Parliament. Like so much nondramatic literature of the Renaissance, most of these plays were written in an elaborate verse style and under the influence of classical examples, but the popular taste, to which ...

Everything Is Not For The Best
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... is for the best) are not always true. The main theme, which is presented throughout the novel, is optimism. Out of every unfortunate situation in the story, Pangloss, his philosopher-teacher has advised Candide, that everything in this world happens for the best, because "Private misfortunes contribute to the general good, so that the more private misfortunes there are, the more we find that all is well". Pangloss tries to defend his theories by determining the positive from the negative situations and by showing that misfortunes bring some privileges. As Candide grows up, whenever misfortune happens, Pangloss would turn the situation around, bringing out g ...

A Comparison Contrast Of A Bra
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... are entrapped. In this society traditional notions of love and what ideally should come out of it have long been disregarded and are now despised, "Mother, monogamy, romance. High spurts the fountain; fierce and foamy the wild jet. The urge has but a single outlet." (Huxley 41) The comparison to a wild jet is intended to demonstrate the inherent dangers in these activities. Many of the Brave New World's social norms are intended to 'save' its citizens from anything unpleasant through depriving them of the opportunity to miss anything overly pleasant. The society values, ACOMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY," (Huxley 1) supersede all else in a collective effort. Som ...

Lord Of The Flies By William G
Download This PaperWords: 1948 - Pages: 8

... animalistically rapacious gratification needs. In discovering the thrill of the hunt, his pleasure drive is emphasized, purported by Freud to be the basic human need to be gratified. In much the same way, Golding's portrayal of a hunt as a rape, with the boys ravenously jumping atop the pig and brutalizing it, alludes to Freud's basis of the pleasure drive in the libido, the term serving a double Lntendre in its psychodynamic and physically sensual sense. Jack's unwillingness to acknowledge the conch as the source of centrality on the island and Ralph as the seat of power is consistent with the portrayal of his particular self-importance. Freud also linked the id to ...

Dantes Divine Comedy Essay
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... the deadly peril of inordinate earthly pleasure masked by a self-fabricated visage of beauty and goodness, concurrently incorporating themes of unqualified repentance and realization of the true goodness of things divine. The Sirens are familiar literary characters from Greek mythology; they are most recognized as one of the many perils Odysseus encounters in Homer's Odyssey. As Circe explains to Odysseus before he sets out for home, "You will come first of all to the Sirens, who are enchanters / of all mankind and whoever comes their way…/ They sit in their meadow, but the beach before it is piled with boneheaps / of men now rotted away, and the ski ...

Virgil The Art Of Imitating Ho
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... the Iliad. The happenings and actions of Aeneas are very similar to both those of Odysseus and later of Achilles. Many of the characters themselves are also modeled after Homer’s characters. There are also many little details here and there which show that Virgil certainly modeled his epic after Homer, not to plagiarize, but for the style and the use of a model for human insight and feeling. When reading the Aeneid, one can clearly see and hear the Homeric echoes present in the epic. The Aeneid is clearly divided into two parts, “The ‘Odyssean’ Aeneid”3 and, “The ‘Iliadic’ Aeneid.”4 The firs ...

The Birthmark
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... such powerful ways. Anyone can become practically anybody else they choose—just a clip here, slice there, take fat cells from here and add them to there, and voila…a new person. However, Mother Nature as been around for quite a bit longer, and she knows what she is doing—leave her alone! Messing with nature’s intent is dangerous and I wouldn’t go there. Aylmer Chillingworth, a scientist in Hawthorne’s short story, "," has married a young woman, a certain Georgianna, despite the fact she possesses a birthmark upon the center of her left facial cheek. Aylmer feels that he has ignored this "ugly marking" long enough and decides he can &quo ...

Great Expectations
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... The most important illusion is Pip's confident expectations of a better life. Pip began the book out poor, and was sent for to spend time every week with an upper-middle-class crazy woman and her heartless adopted daughter, Estella. From the moment he met Estella, he was in love with her. Later on in the book, he was provided with financial support from an un-named benefactor that should be used to go to London and become a gentleman. Pip assumed that Ms. Havisham, Estella's adoptive mother, was the benefactress. "My dream was out; my wild fancy was surpassed by sober reality; Miss Havisham was going to make my fortune on a grand scale." This was the reality that ...

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