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Kantian Philosophy Of Morality
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... the nature of her late husband's death" (M1) passes both parts of the Universal Law Formation of the Categorical Imperative. Consequently, according to Kant, M1 is a moral action. The initial stage of the Universal Law Formation of the Categorical Imperative requires that a maxim be universally applicable to all rational beings. M1 succeeds in passing the first stage. We can easily imagine a world in which paramedics always answer widows truthfully when queried. Therefore, this maxim is logical and everyone can abide by it without causing a logical impossibility. The next logical step is to apply the second stage of the test. The second requirement i ...

Go Ask Alice!
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... finds a friend at school. Her name is Gerda, but Alice’s mother and father don’t like her. Alice doesn’t feel happy in her family. She hates his sister and her brother more than she loves them. Tim is intolerable and her mother is constantly Peking at her. Alice gets to know Beth Baum. Beth is Jewish and her father is a doctor. Her mother nags a lot. Alice’s parents like Beth, because she is pretty nice. In the holidays Beth goes on a summer camp for six weeks and Alice stays at her grans. One day she meets Jill Peters and she invites her for a party. Alice doesn’t like taking drugs. She wants to stop it and to go home, but her grandpa has a little heart - attack ...

King Lear: The Element Of Disguise
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... Regan and Goneril, use flattery as a disguise. They conceal their true feelings, conspiring to take over the land once they gain control of it. Goneril says, Sir, I love you more than word can weild the matter; Dearer then eyesight, space, and liberty; . . . . Beyond all manner of so much I love you. (I,I,{56-63}) Regan speaks, I am made of the same metal as my sister, And prize me at her worth. In my true heart I find she names my very deed of love, Only she comes too short, that I profess Myself and enemy to all other joys Which the most precious square of sense possesses, And find I am alone felicitate In your dear Highness' love. (I,I,{72-80} ...

Henry David Thoreaus Quest For
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... lifestyle and is drawn closer and becomes deeply interested in the argument that Thoreau makes for living simply. Thoreau explains that he "lives in a tight, light, and clean house, which hardly cost him more than the annual rent of such a ruin as [John's] commonly amounts to" (Walden, 140). Thoreau almost makes the identical argument, (although Thoreau is not really "arguing", he is documenting the costs of his house) and explains that having a shelter that is practical yet functional is an essential step to simplifying one's life, which in turn is an essential step in the process of becoming deified and enlightened. In more detail Thoreau mentions, " [that] th ...

The Changing Roles Of Women In
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... says, "How much cleaning can a house need, for Christ's sakes." (p. 34) Lena gets mad and Ruth says that Beneatha is "fresh as salt." (p. 34) Beneatha retorts, "Well- if the salt loses its savor." (p. 34) Lena gets offended even at this mild sacrilege. Later, Lena says, "You going to be a doctor, honey, God willing." (p. 38) Beneatha replies, "God hasn't got a thing to do with it." (p. 38) She goes on to say, "God is just one idea I don't accept… I get tired of Him getting credit for all the things the human race achieves through its own stubborn effort. There simply is no God- there is only man and it is who makes miracles." (p. 39) Lena rises across the ...

The Sound Of Hollyhocks
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... Rock knew that his mother would object such a marriage since Sarah came from a poorer and less prestigious background. The first meeting between Sarah and Rock’s mother proved to be a disaster. Due to Rock’s mother’s disapproval of Sarah, Sarah and Rock’s marriage starts to fall apart. One thing leads to another, and Sarah and Rock’s marriage ends with Sarah’s abrupt death. This pushes Rock into his present state of hearing flowers talk to him. This is a great example of how social problems such as condescension and discrimination can have devastating effects on those around us. If Rock’s mother had not shown such host ...

The Beat Generation
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... was considered to be the best novel to come out of the Beat Generation. The Beat novel is charming, honest, and wild venture stories of a friendship and four hitch-hiking trips across America. The narrator is Sal Paradise, who is living in Paterson, New Jersey. Most of his friends are already out west. A crazy college friend, Dean Moriaty who is Neal Cassady in real life, has invited him to Denver for a visit. Dean is a fast-talking, womanizing product of Denver reform schools. Sal idolizes Dean for his cowboy style, his ease with women and his high-spirited joy in living. However, it took Sal traveling across America and back to figure out the magnetic charact ...

The Cry Of The Wild
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... spirit, and tenacity. Irving Berlin’s God Bless America, Woody Guthrie’s This Land is Your Land, and Samuel Smith’s America all declare a love and respect for this land we call “home.” It is our duty to regain a love and respect for the land, its beauty, and life ‘s comfort. The legacy of our natural resource heritage must be preserved. Education is the answer. Through writing my paper I have learned that endangered species is more than a name, it is a mission in-and-of-itself, a mission to keep safe our wildlife---forever. The earth is home to more than 5.2 billion people, each having certain needs, wants, and desir ...

Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
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... are a representation of heaven. Although the man is turning to God for guidance, he is neither in nor near a church. Even still, he believes his location is irrelevant to God, who ultimately listens no matter what. In the second stanza, the horse is only a figment of his imagination. This "horse" is, in actuality, the speaker's own consciousness, a moment that we create something to relive the stress of our deepest emotions. It acts as an internal censor to keep us close to sanity, the value of life, and maybe even God trying to save his life. When he comes "Between the woods and frozen lake," he finds that he is at a crossroad in life. The spea ...

Alas, Babylon
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... even one minute without using things that were not even available fifty or one hundred years ago. Frank is warning us that there may be a time when we will need to retain the lifestyle of the nineteenth century, and only the people who have the knowledge of this way of life will be fine. Frank has an interesting view on the way man has progressed morally. I think that he says that we don’t really know our morals until we have them truly questioned. In this he implies that the people who have strong morals, not only will stay true to them, but will survive. An example of this is Randy Bragg. Randy, on the day of nuclear fallout, stopped on the side of the road ...

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