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Essays on English

Wuthering Heights - Setting
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... walking four miles in the snow, he reaches the Heights to find the gate closed. He stands "on that bleak hilltop [where] the earth was hard with a black frost, and the air made [him] shiver through every limb." (WH-p.29) In fact, the word "Wuthering, being a significant provincial adjective, [is] descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed to stormy weather," (WH-p.25) thus emphasizing the darkness and cruelty in nature. As in Dracula, the storm is a presence of sin and unnatural desires. After ejaculating that his "wretched inmates deserv[ed] perpetual isolation from [their] species of churlish inhospitality," (WH-p.29) for leaving the ...

Death Of A Salesman 4
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... is seen lapsing off into the past is when he encounters Biff after arriving home. The conversation between Willy and Linda reflects Willy's disappointment in Biff and what he has become, which is, for the most part, a bum. After failing to deal adequately with his feelings, he escapes into a time when things were better for his family. It is not uncommon for one to think of better times at low points in their life in order to cheer themselves up so that they are able to deal with the problems they encounter, but Willy Lowman takes it one step further. His refusal to accept reality is so strong that in his mind he is transported back in time to relive one of the ...

Greek Actors
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... criticism, the term protagonist refers to the central character of the play, not the actor. Since women were not allowed to take part in dramatic productions, male actors has to play female roles. The playing of multiple roles, both male and female, was made possible by the use of masks, which prevented the audience from identifying the face of any actor with one specific character in the play and helped eliminate the physical incongruity of men impersonating women. The masks with subtle variations also helped the audience identify the sex age and social rank of the characters. The fact that the chorus remained in the orchestra throughout the play, and sang and ...

The Theme Of Inherit The Wind
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... skeered of" You was a worm once" (4). Melinda replies by exclaiming "that's sinful talk" and "I'm gonna tell my pa" (4). The two children ponder their beliefs and are influenced by the people around them. The thinking process begins when very young. Children constantly ask the question "Why?" Howard and Melinda begin to wonder what is the right belief. Another example of the theme occurs during the questioning in act two. During the questioning, Drummond desperately tries to establish that everyone "has the right to think (64). Drummond says that a man is on trial and "threatened with fine and imprisonment because he chooses to speak what he thinks" (64). ...

Essay On The Epic Of Gilgamesh
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... defeat him too; finally the gods take their anger out on Enkidu and kill him, this is the only way that they can defeat Gilgamesh. When Gilgamesh and Enkidu were together they were invincible but after Enkidus death Gilgamesh is defeated. The basic story of Gilgamesh is about, Gilgamesh who is the kind of a city called Uruk. Gilgamesh is egotistical and unkind to his people, the people are very displeased with him. Soon Gilgamesh starts to hear rumors of a wild man who lives with animals; Gilgamesh sends out a priest to go civilize him, the priest shows the wild man named Enkidu the ways of civilization by sleeping with him. Enkidu decides to follow the priest into ...

A New Vision Of Masculinity - A Summary
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... inferior people. Thompson supports his notion by inserting the introduction "Reweaving the Web of Life" by Pam McAllister. The author depicts the traditional definitions of masculinity and problems with that. "Traditional definitions of masculinity include attributes such as independence, pride, resiliency, self-control, and physical strength."(78) Sometimes masculinity is related to violence; violence became the tool maintaining their masculinity among boys. Then, he mentions the two most critical socializing forces in a boy's life: homophobia and misogyny. He explains that homophobia, hatred of feminine qualities in men, and misogyny, hatred of feminine qualit ...

Blind Conformity In The Crucib
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... amongst the accused witches to make them follow her lead. Once Abagail started to name names in court, the others followed close behind. Many cases of blind conformity are still obvious today. Blind conformity is something that can be seen in all facets of life, and is almost unavoidable. I, personally, conform blindly without thinking all the time. For example, when I'm getting dressed in the morning I sometimes catch myself wondering if the outfit I picked out will be "cool enough", subconsciously trying to fit in. Another, more important, example is the problem of drinking and drug use with high school-aged kids. Most kids just want to fit in and will do w ...

The Chocolate War
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... the school chocolate sale. He now has to face Brother Leon and tell him no which soon gives him insight in to the teachers’ feelings. "His eyes gave him away. His face was always under control but his eyes showed his vulnerability."(Cormier 92) Jerry realizes that Brother Leon is struggling with the candy sale and that he is trying to hide his anger for Jerry’s’ refusal. Jerry knows Brother Leon’s hate for him and his fear of failure with the chocolate sale. "He had met Brother Leon in the corridor late one afternoon after football practice and had seen hate flashing in the teachers eyes. More than hate: something sick." (Cormier 92) Jerry ...

Fahrenheit 451 - Symbolism
Download This PaperWords: 1220 - Pages: 5

... he incorporates symbolism into his book. Bradbury's use of symbolism throughout the novel makes the book moving and powerful by using symbolism to reinforce the ideas of anti-censorship. The Hearth and the Salamander, the title of part one, is the first example of symbolism. The title suggests two things having to do with fire, the hearth is a source of warmth and goodness, showing the positive, non-destructive side of fire. Whereas a salamander is a small lizard-like amphibian, and also in mythology, is known to endure fire without getting burnt by it. Perhaps the salamander is symbolic of Guy Montag, who is being described as a salamander because he works wit ...

The Catcher In The Rye
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... calamity was caused by either his overwhelmingly powerful hatred for people or because there was a conflict of interest between him and the school itself, about who they were trying to make him. Holden was also starting to view people as who they really were. Many of us in this world accept people at face value and never really take the time to see through the infinite masks that make up a personality, or a first impression. Holden however, took the time to understand who a person really was, and how fake they really were being. This changed his life enormously, as it would anybody’s, because as soon as he could understand how much of a phony a person was being a ...

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