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Essays on Miscellaneous

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... unconditioned stimulus, an event that automatically or naturally causes a response. This usual association causes the response to the unconditioned stimulus, the unconditioned response, to transfer to the neutral stimulus. The unconditioned stimulus no longer needs to be there for the response to occur in the presence of the formerly neutral stimulus. Given that his response is not natural and has to be learned, the response is now a conditioned response and the neutral stimulus is now a conditioned stimulus. Hence, certain individuals are more equipped to learn some things easier than others are. This ability is known as preparedness. In Pavlov’s experiment ...

If I See A Ghost Are My Senses
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... be dismissed as superstitious by-products of the medieval mind?” Introduction to Creatures from Inner Space by S. Gooch The subject will be argued from the two possible, yet opposite, sides: the “ghost” as a non-existent and the “ghost” as an existent spirit. This will be done through the elements of perception. Perception, although being so complex, is the medium by which individuals receive information from the surrounding world. Let us consider the situation where a person believes that s/he has perceived a ghost. This can be an optical illusion created by the classical example of shadows, or by sound (the wind) which ...

Sports Entertainment ( Wrestli
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... supposed to be watching this, so why is their a problem. If their parents let them, that is their choice, and if the see that the children are influenced by wrestling in a negative way then they should not let them watch it anymore. Teens, at least most of them are mature enough to take wrestling as more of a soap opera than a sport, which is exactly what it is supposed to be. What I think professional wrestling to do, is to tone down, just a bit. In a recent study of 50 episodes of RAW by Indiana University and the TV program Inside Edition between January 1998 and February 1999. Researchers found 1,658 instances of crotch grabbing, 128 simulated sexual ...

How To Prepare For A Job Interview
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... minutes is critical; these two minutes represent the first impression so you want it to be strong. Practice a strong handshake, poise, enthusiasm and confidence while talking. People who get jobs easily are natural talkers, ask lots of insightful questions, and give thorough meaningful answers. Role-playing will help you gain these qualities. Keep practicing all of the above until everything feels and sounds natural and spontaneous. Secondly, know how to effectively answer questions. Short answers less than thirty seconds are useless. Applicants come across as lacking knowledge and insight. Answers over three minutes are too long. Applicants are b ...

Existentialists: I Am Me, And You Are You
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... they are two different people who lead very different lives. Tarzan, the Ape Man, is by nature different than his newfound lady friend. Existentialists would further this train of thought to say that since people are always different, they can never be the same. They would then argue that every person is an individual, not a copy from a predetermined mold. Jean-Paul Sartre also portrays his characters as individuals, not carbon copies of each other. Garcin, a soldier who went AWOL, certainly lived a different life than the baby- killer Estelle. These individualistic qualities lead to us by Tarzan's statement, now guide us to the existential belief of existen ...

How The KKK, Anarchists, Phreaks Compare To Big Brother
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... The reason why this organization is considered "evil" is because of bombings and activities like that from certain anarchists. Phreaks are hackers, but they don't just specialize in computers. They are also into phones and electronic things that they can rip off. As you will later see, this organization and our government strongly resemble 1984's government and the Brotherhood. The Ku Klux Klan people haven't gotten out of the idea the black people and other foreigners are evil, which they call, "alien outsiders". These "outsiders" are "all non-Protestants, aliens, liberals, trade unionists and striking workers". (Microsoft Encarta 1995) Their traditi ...

Plato's Republic: The Virtues
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... up of the rulers, army, and workers. Now the base line is the workers, and they do not try to blend with the army as the army doesn't blend with the rulers. When all of these do their own job, the community becomes one. The first virtue to be discussed is prudence. Prudence, also known as wisdom, is found in the rulers. "The people who have it are those rulers…" (428d) In order to have wisdom one must be resourceful, in which he/she has obtained knowledge. Plato says, "… resourcefulness is obviously a kind of knowledge… it's not ignorance which makes people resourceful; it's knowledge." (428b) The second virtue is courage, which is found in the m ...

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... campaign offices. There is one in Toronto, Ontario, one in Vancouver, British Columbia, and another in Montreal, Quebec. Development The department of development organizes all the public education activities and fundraising. Finance Finance obviously keeps track and handles all the income and outcome of the organization. Executive Director’s Office The Greenpeace Canada Executive Director’s Office is the Canadian communication central to other Greenpeace offices around the world. This office also includes human resources staff and office management. Funding Greenpeace receives funding by signing members by mail, phone and door votes. Gr ...

Dealing With Difficult People
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... get finished. My job is to bring out merchandise from the stockroom so I can hang them up on racks. Every morning after I clock in we have to get our bags so we can put our money in the registers. Right as I leave to get my cart from the stockroom a customer always has a return. It never fails that someone has to return. This customer wanted to return a pair of jeans without a receipt or tags. It is hard to explain to a customer our policy if she doesn't want to listen. I told her the policy was that if she wanted to return something she would have to have a receipt or the tags. She wanted me to call management since she knew someone that worked there. I ...

Education Gift Or Necessity
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... education can be offered to someone, but the pupil can only take from it what is put in. A gift is something that can be given to someone regardless of the effort put forth by the individual, therefore an education is not a gift. Although an education cannot be given to someone, and it is not a gift, there are things that can be given to you that contribute to your education. Perhaps the greatest thing that can be provided is support. When a parent or teacher rewards a child for learning, it makes a connection in the child's mind that an education will pay off. When an educated and successful family strongly support a child's education, that child will have ...

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