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Detroit Lions
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... very happy because the Lions is my favorite team, don’t ask me why? But it just is. I think the team players had realized “finally” that they cant let just one man do the job, that it’s a team sport, and they are putting themselves to the 110%. Their defense is totally better when before that was what hurt them most, because while Barry got the team lots of yardage and scored touchdowns, the other team got them back plus twice the damage they made. But now the defense is focused and ready to go. People tell me I’m crazy because that’s the team I like but I just take risks like buying stocks “u go up and down”. Hopefully this year the lions will get as far as two ...

St. Thomas Aquinas: Natural Law Theory; Just War Theory
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... of the word nature, the meaning of natural varies. Thus, natural law may be considered an ideal to which humanity aspires or a general fact, the way human beings usually act. Natural law is contrasted with positive law, the enactment's of civil society. Christians found the natural law ideology of the Stoics quite compatible with their beliefs. The teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas on the natural law is the most widely known. Aquinas called the rational guidance of creation by God the “Eternal Law." The Eternal Law gives all beings the tendency of these actions and aims that are proper to them. Rational creatures, by directing their own actions and guiding th ...

Imagination And How It Relates
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... drives the person to buy a certain product on the store shelf; imagining it to be better to the others of it's kind. Even animals must have at least a limited imagination. They play, they study things the way humans might, and they hunt with quick thought processes. Science is ruled by imagination. Not one scientist could come up with new ideas for his/her field without using his imagination along with his learned skills. Imagination drives everything, makes everything what it is. Imagination is what is responsible for creating society. We all imagine how our lives could be. What profession we want, house, clothing style, children. T ...

Meat Packing Industry And The
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... yards of Chicago, Illinois (Upton). The novel also included gruesome descriptions of food production: Tuburculer beef, the grinding up of poisoned rats, and even workers falling into vats and emerging as Durham's pure leaf lard (Upton). Upton's book is based on true events of a family that moves to America in search of a better life. While they are there they looked for work in Chicago and came across meatpacking. Unsanitary techniques that were put into the massive machines were literally disgusting. As before poisoned rats and workers turning into lard was an everyday thing that the workplace encountered. More disgusting things like using whole cows as ground ...

Mill's Utilitarianism: Sacrifice The Innocent For The Common Good?
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... involved or effected by the action taken, and the consequences of the action taken. To calculate the welfare of the people involved in or effected by an action, utilitarianism requires that all individuals be considered equally. Quantitative utilitarians would weigh the pleasure and pain which would be caused by the bomb exploding against the pleasure and pain that would be caused by torturing the terrorist. Then, the amounts would be summed and compared. The problem with this method is that it is impossible to know beforehand how much pain would be caused by the bomb exploding or how much pain would be caused by the torture. Utilitarianism offers no ...

Symbolic Features Of Gi Joe Fi
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... adult. GI Joes’s symbolized the general census of the public that men should be physically strong and brave in physical encounters. Young boys saw the muscular build of the action figures and related that to the optimal shape that a man’s body should be. GI Joe’s are similar to Barbie dolls in many ways. Although GI Joe’s did not come under as much criticism as the Barbie doll, the two important characteristics of the figures are the same. Both figures promote the stereotypical image of the male/female body and both figures characteristics promote the stereotypical actions of how one should act as a member of that gender. Each day of ...

The Story Of Chanukah
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... Greek army which showed that their loyalties were not suspect. After the death of Alexander, Judea was ruled by Ptolemies of Alexandria. During this period, many of the Jews were influenced by the ideas of Hellenism and began to assimilate the Greek culture. It was at this time that King Ptolemy, to promote a better understanding of the Jews, commissioned the famous Greek translation of the Bible known as the Septuagint. Later, the Ptolemaic Empire of Egypt and the Sleucid Empire of Syria fought to gain control of Judea. The Selucids won. Judea was ruled by the Syrian king Antiochus IV who did not allow the Jews to freely worship one God but demanded that every ...

Business 2
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... share too much, too fast. Before sayign anything consider these three things. 1. Is the statement true? 2. Is the statement necessary? 3. Is the statement kind? Be aware of your nonverble cues. Cues give you away easy. Example, hesitation in your voice, expression of doubt on your face, and a long pause. The emotion you give is how intrested you are. doing this their is filters example. Sender (You)-----Sender Filters *Semantics{upersonal communications is very important to today in the fast moving world. The communication process is very important, it is estmated that 80 percent of messages get distorted or lost. Impersonal communication is not always th ...

Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance
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... Pirsig seems to think motorcycle maintenance and repair is so masculine that “women never go near it.” Granted, this book was written in ‘74, (I think it’s set earlier than that) but ask the women who work in this industry if they care that it isn’t romantic. I believe I have mostly romantic understanding under this lid of mine. I tend to think with my heart instead of my head. I see a flower for its beauty, not its pistil and stamen. I’m more interested in literature and poetry than science and math. I would rather create photographs than dissect a squid. That having been said, I doubt if any person is strictly one or the other. The classical self in me h ...

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... most always get to their destination with the least amount of trouble. They obey all the laws of driving. Such as using turn signals when required, checking their mirrors before switching lanes and following posted speed limits. Most importantly, good drivers respect the road and their fellow drivers. Bad Drivers. Bad drivers, on the other hand, seem to have some trouble getting where they are going. They don't obey the laws of driving. They refuse to use turn signals, or check their mirrors before switching lanes, often cutting other drivers off. Bad drivers tend to speed, weaving in and out of traffic without a care for the other drivers. Ugly Drivers. Ug ...

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