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The Human Mating Game
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... to take notice of the opposite sex. As early as the pre-teen years children start “going out.” Many parents fear that their kids are being pushed into adulthood too quickly. Yet, they recognize that pre-teen relationships often resemble child’s play more than teenage romance. Pre-teens pair up to impress their friends. Within a group of pre-teens, they might constantly trade boyfriends and girlfriends because it doesn’t really matter as long as each other has someone. These couples traditionally would not go out for more than a month and they may do little more than talk a few times on the phone. Fortunately, pre-teens take break-ups in ...

Commercial Effectiveness
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... and culinary concerns to get their message across. Furthermore, the work that goes into creating a commercial is overlooked and must be viewed in a different manner. A commercial is an amazing component of advertisement. By definition a commercial is "an advertisement on television or radio"(Dictionary 175). One commercial only lasts an average of thirty seconds and, if run in a good time slot, costs anywhere from fifty-five to one hundred thousand dollars (Baldwin 2). To think that a thirty second commercial can cost one hundred thousand dollars is outrageous. If it costs that much money for so little time then what is the logic behind airing commercials ...

Community Service At Colleges
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... "We were extremely pleased with the results from the day." Two Community Service Days are held each semester, the next on Feb. 26. They are constructed so that students, faculty, staff, and student organizations can choose an activity that interests them. Participants have had the opportunity to work on a variety of different projects, including building a house with Habitat for Humanity and entertaining children in a campus Youth Day. "I decided to volunteer because my friend was doing it with her sorority," said Allison Mulcahy, a 7th semester communications major. "I've never volunteered for any community work before, but I had a lot of fun and I plan on ...

Film Development
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... disadvantage of the Bucket Method is that you will undoubtedly get scratches on your film, as well as these funny little lines that will dance all over the screen. If you don't mind that, as I don’t, then you're fine. Most short movies benefit from these inconspicuous blemishes, as they give life and movement to your film. I would only recommend the bucket method for Super 8mm, as 16mm is much harder to work with in a bucket. It is thicker and will scratch more, and needs more chemicals since you are working with double the amount of film. What you need is: A bucket, a pair of gloves, and a dark room. The dark room can be a bathroom with all the windows taped up. ...

The Jab
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... your feet and off your heels. Keep yours knees bent and your weight forward. Bring your hands to your face, and extend your lead hand about six inches away from your head. Keep your elbows close to your sides, and pivot your hips and shoulders to open side. If you were right handed the open side would be your right side, and if you’re left handed your open side would be your left side. Now you have the proper stance. I like to call this stance the ready position. Here comes the hard part; you have to relax. Relaxation is necessary for faster and more powerful punches. In your stance extend your arm, nice and slow, rotating your thumb down, and then return i ...

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... Kingston utilizes stories told to her by her mother as a device to introduce readers to some aspect of her life. Kingston's mother pass down to her the wisdom she has acquired from her mistakes throughout her life along with best hopes and wishes. The Woman Warrior is a story about the life of Maxine Hong Kingston. It is easy to see her identity from those memorable occurrences that she mentions throughout her book, especially the stories her mother told her. The story of "Fa Mu Lan", for example, teaches women to strive to be the best they can be. It is a story about a woman warrior who takes place of her father in battle and returns in victory as a heroin ...

The Play Years
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... early childhood, children’s preoperational cognitive development is observed. Egocentrism -- being unaware of any perspectives other then their own -- is often seen is children ranging from two to six or seven years. Piaget’s three mountain problem illustrates this phenomenon clearly; that is, children who looked at three mountain peaks, designated by different colors, could not pick a picture representing the three peaks from a doll’s point of view. Instead, the pictures represented their own point of view. Conservation problems also are characteristic of early childhood. Conservation refe ...

Gods Existence
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... is based on the thought of God as the highest being. Anselm’s argument is different from other philosophers simply because of it’s premise. He saw a need for a precise logical philosophy as a way for making faith mature, not as a substitute for faith. Because Anselm already believed in God, he was only looking for rational support for this belief. Therefore Anselm’s method of proving God’s existence is called “Faith seeking understanding.” He proclaims “I do not seek to understand in order that I may believe, but I believe in order that I may understand” (Stumpf, 372-372). Anselm had to believe in G ...

Economic Value Added
Download This PaperWords: 1959 - Pages: 8

... takes into account all capital invested. Peter Druker says in his Harvard Business Review article, "EVA is based on something we have known for a long time: What we call profits, the money left to service equity, is not profit at all. Until a business returns a profit that is greater than its cost of capital, it operates at a loss. Never mind that it pays taxes if it had a genuine profit. The enterprise still returns less to the economy than it devours in resources….Until then it does not create wealth but destroys it" (Ehrbar 2). EVA is a measure of wealth creation or destruction after all costs are capitalized. Companies use EVA as a measure of cor ...

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... One of the most popular whiteface characters in history is Harlequin, a comic personality in the Italian theater form commedia dell’arte. English actor John Rich, who performed in the early and mid-18th century, was the most famous Harlequin of his time. After the mid-18th century, the gradually replaced the Harlequin character. English entertainer Joseph Grimaldi played an instrumental role in this shift. Still today you can find s which will do the whitefaced act but you would have to look along way to find anything also the whitefaced does not use the grease paint the use a type of make-up which is thick and very rich in color a ...

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