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Why I Love America
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... for my choice of speech. I have the freedom to walk down the street at any hour of the day that I want to, and not have to worry about being taking to jail for breaking a curfew. In everyday life just those two things allot us do however take for granite because in other countries people are often killed for any statements that that particular government does not like to hear. There are also countries in the world that will not tolerate any person who breaks curfew. Few minor privileges that are given to Americans make a big difference in the way that every day life is lived. The feeling of being free is just enough to make anyone appreciate the United States ...

The Chrysanthemums
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... her that he wants to give the chrysanthemum seeds to a lady that he sees during his trip. When Elisa heard what the man wanted to do \" she ran excitedly along the geranium bordered path to the back of the house\" . She was running to get a flower pot to put the chrysanthemum seeds in. The man left with the flower pot and Elisa was very happy. Elisa was really happy when she left with her husband to go to town. This didn\'t last very long. Her whole attitude changed when she saw what the man had done with the chrysanthemum seeds. They had all been thrown on the side of the road. The man just left with the flower pot. Elisa had felt really hurt when she saw ...

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... By posting the "diet of worms" he told catholic officials where he thought the church had problems. Luther knew he could be severely punished but decided to take that risk to do what was right. He was not being pressured into doing this by anyone. He simply knew it was the right thing to do and knew he had to do it. Because most people are members of more than one group, and sometimes those groups have conflicting interests, a person who is relying on a group to make a decision will have a very hard time. I find it the hardest to make a decision when I am being pushed in opposite directions by different groups. My parents think I should go to bed so I can wake up f ...

Problems Encountered When Feed
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... and shoulder retraction. With this poor development, the jaw is pushed forward by the rest of the skeletal structure. The jaw then opens irregularly and with no set pattern. It may even become stuck in an open position. Feeding is difficult because the child has little or no control over his jaw. Another problem that may occur with the jaw, but is less common, is chin retraction. This movement is a pulling back of the lower jaw, making it difficult for the mouth to open fully. Strain is placed on the mouth and air passage forming a smaller tunnel of flow. This then creates a problem with swallowing. A child with this type of problem must not be gi ...

Oedipus The Irony
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... He also warned by his wife/mother Jocasta not to continue the search for killer. He does not listen to her, and in return he discovers the horrible truth. In which costs Jocasta her life. He also says that he will go easy on the man who will turn himself in for the murder of Laius. But, ironically the punishment that he gives himself is far worse than anyone else would have received. This great play is filled with many cynical parts throughout. But the irony is what makes this play such genius. When Laius got his Oracle of Apollo from Delphi (that his son would kill him and marry his widow), he tried to control faith by having his baby boy killed. He had bab ...

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... social life. This teacher may also think that a "long-term assignment" means a maximum of two to three days to complete; unfortunately, since this teacher has not been to school for at least 30 years, he cannot understand how difficult it is for a student to complete such a large task in such a small amount of time. Completely opposite from the "you wanted MORE homework?" teacher is the "indefinite-deadline teacher." This teacher assigns a mild amount of homework, with few - if any - large projects. A conversation with this type of teacher generally follows this pattern: Teacher: Do you all have your assignment done? Student: No… can we have another day to work ...

Economic Rebirth Or Social Sui
Download This PaperWords: 1255 - Pages: 5

... for new development. Casino proponents and politicians eager to pad their tax base emphasize the multiplier effect: new jobs that inject money into the local economy, and new money means new businesses that will spur further economic growth. Has the community asked why would a gaming company invest upwards of 300 million dollars in this town? There are definite answers to these questions. Gambling proponents’ point out there are very few industries that can have such an immediate impact on a community. Casino giant Resorts International conducted an economic impact study during the 1980’s when Louisiana was debating the legalization of gambling. ...

Russian Jews
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... the beginning of the 1800s, Alexander I ruled Russia. He promised the Jews that they could become farmers, could live in two districts, and could buy unoccupied land. Although Alexander was kind and helped the Jews, the tax they were forced to pay, stayed. before he died in 1825, the Jewish situation became hard for them to bare. They lived in poverty in small and crowded places and were oppressed. For hundreds of years, Jews lived these ways in two communities - the ghetto and the shtetl. To keep out thieves and rioters from coming in, they built walls around their section of town. When they did this, the government and churches got an idea, they would use ...

Security 2
Download This PaperWords: 2495 - Pages: 10

... Can we make sure that the information in the computer is safe and nobody can steal it from the memory of the computer? Physical hazard is one of the causes of destroying the data in the computer. For example, send a flood of coffee toward a personal computer. The hard disk of the computer could be endangered by the flood of coffee. Besides, human caretaker of computer system can cause as much as harm as any physical hazard. For example, a cashier in a bank can transfer some money from one of his customer's account to his own account. Nonetheless, the most dangerous thief are not those who work with computer every day, ...

Native American Women
Download This PaperWords: 1163 - Pages: 5

... either through a clan system, descent from a common ancestor, or through a friendship system, much like tribal societies in other parts of the world. In the Choctaw nation, " Moieties were subdivided into several nontotemic, exogamous, matrilineal 'kindred' clans, called iksa." (Faiman-Silva, 1997, p.8) The Cheyenne tirbe also traced their ancestry through the woman's lineage. Moore (1996, p. 154) shows this when he says "Such marriages, where the groomcomes to live in the bride's band, are called 'matrilocal'." Leacock (1971, p. 21) reveals that "...prevailing opinion is that hunting societies would be patrilocal.... Matrilineality, it is assumed, followed the ...

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