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Advertisers Take Us For Spend-
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... beginnings in ancient times, advertising has flourished into a worldwide industry. In the U.S. alone in the early 1990s, about $138 billion was spent in a single year on advertising to influence the purchase of products and services. Advertising falls into two main categories: consumer advertising, directed to the ultimate purchaser, and trade (or business-to-business) advertising, in which the appeal is made to business users through trade journals and other media. Both consumer and trade advertising employ many specialised types of commercial persuasion. A relatively minor, but important, form of advertising is institutional (or image) advertising, designed ...

The Disproof (and Proof) Of Everything
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... explain how I reached this conclusion in this paper. However, I must give fair warning, that some of the logic I used is strange and complex. If you have any doubts about your mental health, or are unsure of your capacities and limitations in any way, please do not read this, or at least do not take it seriously. For those of you who feel you can handle this, read on. Now, let us start at the most logical place to begin, the beginning. What is reality? Well, there are many explanations and theories about this, but I based mine on what I can observe and how I perceive things as a whole. Reality, as we know it seems to be made up of various dimensions. Most people ...

OBE: The Restructuring Of American Society.
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... a specific body of knowledge. Students were graded against predefined standards and passed or failed based on their ability to meet those standards. This method of teaching produced a graduate with a well rounded education, and prepared him for further development of career skills. With the exception of those who did not apply themselves, the system worked. Today America's educators take a new approach in the classroom. The focus of education has moved to measuring what students can do, rather than what they understand. This is the core principle of Outcomes Based Education (OBE). An outcome, by definition, is something that follows as a result or consequence. So ...

The United States Steel Indust
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... combined result of numerous steel industrial policies is that the world has tremendous excess production capacity in steel. Dumping, which is sales in export markets below cost or sales below the price in the home market, is the frequent result. In response to the recent increase of steel imports, a group of major U.S. steel producers filed a petition with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) and the Department of Commerce alleging that the steel imports from Brazil, Japan and Russia are sold in the United States at less than fair value. Under the Tariff Act of 1930, U.S. industries may petition the government for relief from imports that are sold in th ...

On Line Schemes
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... the next two to three years.2 According to Whole Earth Review, America Online more than doubled in size in a nine-month period, going from 300,000 users to over 700,000.3 The New York Times, has described the Internet as the world's "new mass information market."4 Today investors are in danger of being taken for a ride on the cyberspace. State securities regulators around the U.S. are concerned about the explosion of illicit investment schemes now flourishing on commercial bulletin board services and the informal web of computer networks that make up the Internet. An estimated four million U.S. households that already have access to the major online services a ...

Aristotles Philosophy On Why P
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... literature is not intended to make people sad. It may arouse pity and fear for the suffering protagonist, or for all humanity, especially ourselves. But usually it also is intended to inspire admiration for the central character, and by analogy for all mankind. In the century after Sophocles, the philosopher Aristotle analyzed tragedy. His viewpoint defined Tragedy as an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude. In a language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play Oedipus Rex, Tragedy must occur in the form of action, not of narrative; and a purgation or ...

Wrestling 2
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... an obese woman wrapped in a blanket into the ring and declared that his opponent would have to kiss her backside. She obliged by lifting her skirt and displaying her underpants and a ripped pair of panty hose. However, as "Mr. Ass's" antics indicate, there may be other, draws for spectators besides the "sport" itself: sex, violence and occasional racism. Aside from the heavy metal music, there is an area of wrestling that is very politically incorrect. If you were to turn to ABC at one o'clock in the afternoon, you would see the same acts that are displayed on wrestling. "All My Children", a daytime soap opera, contains some of the most graphic sexual scenes be a ...

Prime-time Animation
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... home in the pantheon of American culture (Martin, C5)." It quickly became the most influential cartoon in . "(It) is no longer the novelty it was when The Simpsons expanded from itty-bits of cartoon fun on The Tracey Ullman Show into a sizzling Fox series phenomenon in the early months of 1990 (Duffy, )." The Simpsons paved the way for the great influx of prime-time animated satires of today, including Futurama (another Groening creation), King of the Hill, and Family Guy because of the unique personality of the show and its characters. Family Guy is a that derived its satirical outlook on pop culture from its spiritual grandfather, The Simpsons. "Family ...

Benefits Of Pet Ownership
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... were admonishments for people to spend time with animals. . .for their health” (Simross 14). “Researchers into the impact of animals on our health points to a clear relationship between the presence of pets and significantly better physical and emotional well-being” (Witherell 76). Pet owners reported fewer headaches, fewer bouts of indigestion, and less difficulty sleeping in one study (Avanzino). Also, interaction with animals is shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rate, subtle changes with enormous health benefits (Whitaker; Schellenberg 2). For example, a large Australian study reported in 1992 indicated that pet owners are at lower risk for heart d ...

Gender Projects
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... hard to diagnose an intersexed infant. She states that if a doctor sees the male genitalia than he or she assumes that the infant is male, otherwise it is female. Another ground for her claim is how a physician determines if the intersex child should be transformed to a male or a female. The doctors try to choose the sex of the child, such that there is minimal transformation. She suggests that the criteria for choosing the sex is based on the “way her/his genitals look or could be made to look”. (13) Both of these grounds show how society wants to define these intersexed children as either male or female. This strict societal definition is why Kessler clai ...

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