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Social Security
Download This PaperWords: 349 - Pages: 2

... this number to report interest earned on accounts to the IRS. Other government agencies use these numbers in computer matching operations to stop fraud and abuse. Although you can’t prevent others from asking for the number, it does not give the use the right to access you records. The privacy of these records is guaranteed, unless by use of the government for health or welfare programs. Each number comes in 9 digits, and has 3 parts. The first three digits indicate the state shown in the mailing address on the original application. The lowest numbers were assigned to the New England states, and the number grew higher in the south. But, in recent ...

The War On Tobacco
Download This PaperWords: 1785 - Pages: 7

... to kill by aiming their campaign at young teens that donąt read labels. They are increasing the potency of the nicotine to łhook˛ more smokers as well. In the years 1950-1968, the tobacco industries knew that their product was harmful and didnąt decide to warn the American public until the year 1969. Because of the tobacco companies irresponsibility, our older generations are enduring painful, inevitable deaths. The tobacco companies have been arguing for years that no studies have been done within their company about the correlation of cigarette smoking and lung cancer and that they are ignorant on that matter. They have been keeping things from us for yea ...

The Scarlet Letter
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... as a beautiful, gold and colorful piece. Pearl, Hester's child, is portrayed Puritanically, as a child of sin who should be treated as such, ugly, evil, and shamed. The reader more evidently notices that Hawthorne carefully, and sometimes not subtly at all, places Pearl above the rest. She wears colorful clothes, is extremely smart, pretty, and nice. More often than not, she shows her intelligence and free thought, a trait of the Romantics. One of Pearl's favorite activities is playing with flowers and trees. (The reader will recall that anything affiliated with the forest was evil to Puritans. To Hawthorne, however, the forest was beautiful and natural.) "And ...

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... his love for psychology flourished. Maslow created the theory of self-actualization assuming that all people are good by nature or at least neutral. He believed that the encouraged development of self-actualization helps individuals to reach their full potential. Maslow stated that a healthy development is only possible if a society "offers all necessary raw materials and then gets out of the way and stands aside to let the … organism itself utter its wishes and demands and make its choices"(Ryckman pp. 435). If an environment is restrictive and minimizes personal choice the individual may develop in neurotic ways. In addition to this Maslow created what h ...

To Tell Or To Lie
Download This PaperWords: 842 - Pages: 4

... However, that is not how it works, because most people around the world lie to get things to go their way. A perfect example of a group of people that use the rhetoric are politicians. Politicians will say and do anything to convince the citizens that they are right, and that they will do all they promise to do, if you vote for him or her. They try to convince us all the time, and often succeed, that they will make changes. Just think about the many times we've heard, "If you vote for me, I will lower the taxes." Gorgias makes a very clear point regarding the power of the rhetoric. The following quote from Gorgias expresses the impact that rhetoric can have o ...

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... geographically isolated locations to receive quality health care. However, the application of is not limited to these regions. This tool will allow schools, hospitals, and other health care arenas to receive specialty care when needed. Even though is a very powerful tool, many barriers must be broken in order for this technology to succeed. There are many obstacles and the main one is the resistance from physicians. Many health care providers are reluctant to learn how to use new technologies; especially the older doctors who work at the rural and geographically isolated regions. On the other hand, will allow health care providers to consult with expert ...

A Couple Of Yahoos
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... Yang spoke Mandarin Chinese and hardly any English, but soon learned it and became a strait-A student. He was admitted to Stanford University, where he obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical engineering in 1990. It was there that he met David Filo. Filo and Yang were doctoral students in computer engineering. As one of their assignments they were working on the computer-aided design of computer chip circuitry. For this project they were set up in an “office” which was really a trailer that was filled with computers and equipment. “ I was terribly bored,” Filo stated, “And with our faculty advisor out of town we started to fool around o ...

The Paparazzi
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... support. are unyielding in their efforts to push the button that will earn their living. In Europe it is quite commonplace to have a single photo sell for 20,000 USD to 40,000 USD. To reach their goal is to hide, dress up, and master the art of being furtive to get the job done. Although, morally they are ridiculed, the public continues to support their work just out of human instinct. It is apparent that much of American life is centered around the famous but having obscene pictures on the front page of some magazine sold nationwide is not exactly a trademark of fame. To have the opportunity to discover the deep dark secrets of someone else's life is a chanc ...

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... 6.3336, 6.999, 6.9999, etc. Rulers are examples of how we might commonly use a number line. Different rulers mark off different distances such as yards, feet, inches, centimeters, millimeters, and so on. Obviously rulers cannot be used to measure all distances because some distances may be too small to be measured practically with the naked eye. Hypothetically speaking, let's say you had a worm and a razor blade. Let's also hypothesize that this particular worm is two inches long. Now if you were to cut this worm exactly in half you should have "two worms" each one inch long. If you then took one of those one inch pie ...

Deceptive Advertising
Download This PaperWords: 2436 - Pages: 9

... I will be focusing on automobile advertisements and how consumers have been deceived through their ads. can be described as “advertising which is misleading in a material aspect.” (Simon 256) This definition would include all the false and misleading advertisements that would appear in print, television, radio, outdoor and direct mailings. As well as more non-traditional forms of advertising like transportation ads along with the use of pictures, trade names, display materials, labels, sales talks, sales letters, price lists and catalogs. As any consumer can see, advertisers have many means by which they can “trick” or decei ...

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