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Essays on People

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... the artist can imply polemic and ideological aspects of culture and society. However, the meaning cannot be fully comprehended without the context of time and circumstance. The eighteenth century painting, Death of the Virgin, will be examined, for in it depicts the Madonna as a prostitute. Ideological aspects of culture and society are suggested through this piece, however it is only through an examination of the context that the authentic and intended meaning can be determined. His stylistic and contextual values of the visual arts of this period signified cultural changes and social realism as a consequential reaction. was one of the premier painters ...

Louis Leakey
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... It was in 1916, at the age of fourteen, when Leakey first truly realized that he was meant for archaeology; after reading the account of stone-age men entitled "Days Before History" he was hooked. After reading about the arrowheads and axeheads created by these people, Louis began collecting and classifying as many pieces of obsidian flakes and tools as he could find. After confirmation by a prehistory expert that these were truly stone tools of ancient Africans, truly links to the past, Leakey knew that the rest of his life would be devoted towards discovering the secrets of the prehistoric ancestors of humankind. Despite not being accustomed to the school struc ...

Ludwig Van Beethoven
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... Haydn in Vienna. B. The studies Beethoven arrived in Vienna in 1792 and studied with Haydn for about one year. The arrangement proved to be a dissappointment to Beethoven. C. The relationship Outwardly in public the two were cordial, but there were troubles with the relationship--maybe professional jealousy caused the problems. D. Other teachers Beethoven turned to other teachers when Haydn went to London for the second time. He studied with Albrechtsberger, famous as a choir director at St. Stephens in Vienna and the best-known counterpoint teacher in Vienna. He then studied Salieri, famous in Mozart's biography. Salieri helped Beethoven in setting Italian words ...

Marie Curie
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... to respect education at an early age and by the age of four, Manya could read. She was an excellent student who could remember things easy and concentrate well. At the age of 15, Manya graduated high school at the top of her class. That s ame year, Manya left for the countryside in order to relax. A year later, Manya returned home ready to return to school. Since girls were not permitted to attend university in Russian Poland, Manya and her sister Bronya, decided to study at the Sorbonne University in Paris, France. However, they face one major p roblem, they had no money. In order to save money, the sisters decided to give private lessons, business was poor, ...

Arnold Schönberg
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... In 1902, he received on Richard Strauss' recommendation the popular Liszt-scholarship as well as a, apprenticeship at the Stern conservatory. Before returning to Vienna in 1903, he composed the symphonic poem "Pelleas und Melisande" op 5, where the limits of tonality were appreciably extended. Schönberg revolutionized modern music by establishing the 12-tone technique of SERIAL MUSIC as an important organizational device. After the end of the war, Schönberg founded the "Verein für musikalische Privataufführungen" (society for private music performances), a new forum for modern music. The goal was to create ideal preconditions for the performance of contemporary wo ...

Al Capone
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... leaving three long, ugly scars across his face. Scarface had an income of $105 million dollars, when the average income was only Twenty-four Hundred a year. He made his money from gambling, illegal selling and producing of alcohol, whorehouses, and the protection business. Capone encouraged publicity, he was ken to seeing his name and picture in the newspaper. In 1919, Al now had a wife and a baby to support and care for and he needed a legitimate career. He moved his family to Baltimore and got a new job as a bookkeeper for a construction firm. He resumed his relationship with Torrio, who had moved from Brooklyn to Chicago, expanding himself. In 1921, Tor ...

Orson Welles
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... about me is a contradiction and so is everything about everybody else. We are made out of oppositions; we live between two poles. There is a philistine and an aesthete in all of us, and a murderer and a saint. You don't reconcile the poles. You just recognize them." [To Kennety Tynan, 1967] is often referred to as a "Renaissance man", an individual who’s ambitious and concerned with revolutionizing multiple aspects of life. He was a prolific writer and talented actor who often appeared in his own productions. A gifted artist, Welles, coupled his abundant energy with an enthusiasm for life. He tried everythin ...

Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X
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... and his family split up. He was haunted by this early nightmare for most of his life. From then on, he was driven by hatred and a desire for revenge. The early backgrounds of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were largely responsible for the distinct different responses to American racism. Both men ultimately became towering icons of contemporary African-American culture and had a great influence on black Americans. However, King had a more positive attitude than Malcolm X, believing that through peaceful demonstrations and arguments, blacks will be able to someday achieve full equality with whites. Malcolm X’s despair about life was reflected in his angry, pe ...

John Trumbull
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... architecture, and writings provide the people with a different and sometimes controversial view of American history, especially the Revolutionary War period. John’s works include paintings of the “Battle of Bunker Hill”, “The Surrender of General Burgoyne”, and “The Surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia”. In addition, John was commissioned to execute monumental replicas of some of his Revolutionary War scenes for the Rotunda of the Capitol in Washington D.C. These glorious paintings are but a small part of John Trumbull’s contribution to American Society. John has added to our society as an architect, a painter, a writer, and most importan ...

Biography Of Anne Frank
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... Secondary School. On her thirteenth birthday, in 1942 Anne received as a gift from her parents a diary. A few short weeks later Margot, Anne’s older sister, received a notice from the Nazi SS to report for work detail at a labor camp. On July 5, 1942, the Frank Family, the van Pels Family, and Fritz Pfeffer moved to the “Secret Annex”. The relationships in the annex were tense because everyone had to live in the same place under the threat of being caught. Sometimes the groups of people would have arguments over things Anne thought were petty, like the usage of potatoes. On day Anne asked Mr. Pfeffer if she could use the table they shared for her afternoon studi ...

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