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Essays on People

Mark Messersmith
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... more readily available to the birds above. This thought quickly fades from your mind because the birds seem to be totally uninterested in the actions of the fish. Interpreting the meaning of such a painting is based very much on an individual’s thought processes. This work is very unique and seems to take on a different personality or theme each time you examine it. Although you find new things with every viewing, one thing remains constant. The idea of nature vs. nature tends to stick out in your mind as you picture the actions of the various animals shown. Although very hard to understand, the use of color and layering effects produce a very vivid and ...

Harry Shippe Truman
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... in his spare time. He especially liked Mark Twain's books 'Tom Sawyer' and 'Huckleberry Finn'. He had to read mostly adult books. Another one of his favorite books were biographies of the U.S. presidents. Harry read most of the three- thousand books that were in a nearby library. Harry was very good in school because of reading all the books. His mom wanted Harry, his brother Vivian, and Their little sister Mary Jane to enrich their lives so she bought them a piano. She gave the children lessons and noticed that Harry was especially gifted with the piano. So, she sent him to get professional lessons with a woman named Mrs. Edwin C. White. Everyone in his fa ...

Stefan Edberg
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... how important this initiative would be to Stefan, to Swedish tennis and even to the world tennis. An incredible athletic career had seen the morning light. Was convinced to continue The seven year old Stefan struck his first hits at the tennis school in the sommer of 1973. To start with he played once a week. He liked his new sport but was close to quitting after the first term. -My friend wanted to quit,and so did I. But my trainer convinced me to continue, Stefan says with a smile on his face. The young Edberg soon became taken by the sport. Soon he played matches with the boys' team, and outside his home he played fantasy Davis Cup-matches. In the so ...

T.S. Eliot
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... short poems such as 'Portrait of a Lady'. 'The Waste Land', which appeared in 1922, is considered by many to be his most challenging work (see American Literature). In 1927 Eliot became a British subject and was confirmed in the Church of England. His essays ('For Lancelot Andrewes', 1928) and his poetry ('Four Quartets', 1943) increasingly reflected this association with a traditional culture. His first drama was 'The Rock' (1934), a pageant play.   This was followed by 'Murder in the Cathedral' (1935), a play dealing with the assassination of Archbishop Thomas a Becket, who was later canonized. 'The Family Reunion' appeared in 1939. 'The ...

Peter The Great 4
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... only populated five percent of Russia. The elite, like the serfs, were not very well educated at all. Timmerman, a knowledgeable man from Germany, taught and showed Peter all of the nautical instruments need to navigate a ship. Peter became very interested in nautical things. Peter soon left Russia and plundered Europe for knowledge, inventions, and great minds to bring back to Russia. His voyage ended in the rich and luxurious city of Amsterdam. Peter began to study Holland’s ships and navy, and hired ship builders to go home with him, and help him prepare a sea power. Peter, wanting to really learn how to build a ship, signed on as a carpenter to hide h ...

Computer Nerds: Wozniak, Jobs, Gates, And Allen
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... Apple II, the first ready made computer and one of the most popular ever made. It was a complete computer with keyboard and power supply. After he retired from Apple, Steve returned to the University of California at Berkeley and got his bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Steve Jobs was the co-founder of Apple Computers. At the age of 25 he was worth over 100 million dollars. He was fascinated by the effects of computers. He was also amazed that a computer could take your ideas and translate them into information. He and Wozniak created the printed circuit board for the Apple I computer. Bill Gates started programing at the age of 13. When he was ...

Communism Vs Democracy
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... and smiled upon. ? Here, free enterprising helps the economy to flourish. People can organize their own businesses and receive their own profits if it succeeds, or debts if it fails. In this system, the harder a person works, the more money they receive, allowing them to ‘make ends meet.’ The downside to democracy is that people can get a high paying job through education, but may work just as hard at a lower paying job and receive less money. As Winston Churchill once said, "The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries." Generally, Democracy’s seem be more successful economica ...

Princess Diana
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... the watchful eye of the media. Unfortunately this is how the general public is able to justify their overwhelming support for Diana, rather then Mother Teresa. was at the peak of her controversial, compassionate, and challenging life. A radical in the Royal family, Diana was able to come to terms with the fact that she is no different then you and I. This may seem like a feeble task, but to a princess, it is a task accomplished by few. Diana broke all traditions embellished into the minds of the modern day royals. She showed her two young sons love and compassion in public, never before done by a member of the royal family. Diana touched the publics heart by ...

Theodore Dreiser
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... Roman Catholic belief. His mother had a Czech Mennonite background and she was a fair lady that was always compassionate to her son. Because of the family’s severe degree of poverty, they moved frequently between small Indiana towns and Chicago in search of a better cost of living. Dreiser did not have much of an education in his lifetime. He attended parochial and public schools including a year at Indiana University in 1889-1890 throughout his academic years. He began his career as a newspaper reporter in Chicago in 1892 before working his way to the East Coast. While living on the East Coast in 1894, Dreiser found a job working for a Pittsburgh newspaper. In th ...

Alexander The Great
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... with Macedonian tradition and had a few wives. Soon, one of his wives had a baby which had mysteriously become disabled after birth. It was said that the disability was due to poisoning from Olympias. Olympias sometimes told Alexander that Philip wasn’t his real father, but this probably wasn’t true.After all, Philip certainly did seem to care for Alexander as if he was his real son. He even appointed Aristotle himself as Alexander’s first and only tutor. Yet, there were some things about Alexander that made Philip angry. He hated the fact that his was very skinny and the fact that he had a high-pitched voice. Still, Alexander felt lucky to ...

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